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ID 96030
Also Known As 96030
Abstract United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientists: Mike Field, Jim Gardner. Geophysical data (Huntec, SIS1000) of field activity 96030 (W-1-96-NC) in Eureka, CA shelf and slope from 06/29/1996 to 07/07/1996
Organization United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Project/Theme Strata Formations on Margins (Strataform)
National Plan Strataform (ofa)
Chief Scientist Mike Field
Jim Gardner
Activity Type Geophysical
Platform Wecoma
Area of Operation
Eureka, CA shelf and slope
Location map 96030 location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 41.31778
-124.77558    -124.17098
Ports leave Eureka, CA
arrive Eureka, CA
Dates 06/29/1996 (JD 181) to 07/07/1996 (JD 189)
Analog Materials list
Index map

96030 map of where navigation equipment operated

Mike Field Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Jim Gardner Co-chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
John Gann Elec. Tech, USGS Western Region
Tom O'Brien Elec. Tech, USGS Woods Hole
Pete Dartnell Watchstander, USGS Western Region
Ian Wallace Watchstander, USGS Western Region
Stuart Sides Watchstander, USGS Western Region
Graham Dundee Elec Tech, Geoforce
Equipment Used
Image upper 50m of sediment to determine architecture of depositional units.
Information to be Derived
Cross sections, fence diagrams, isopach maps (see Pete Dartnell, Project Information Coordinator)
Isopachs of various sediment units
Associated cruises:


For raw and intermediate data sets, contact
Rani Nandiwada

From Western Region Marine and Coastal Surveys Bulletin, July 12,
This week we completed a very successful 9-day survey aboard the RV WECOMA of
the shelf and slope offshore of Eureka in the area designated as the STRATAFORM
area. One of the major goals of the STRATAFORM Project is to gain a better
understanding of how strata are deposited, both in terms of the physical
processes and also in terms of the preserved acoustic signatures, such as
downlap, offlap, and toplap. A complementary goal is to learn how the signatures
combine to form characteristic stratigraphic sequences, such as drapes, aprons,
wedges, and sigmoids. An essential element to gain this understanding is the
analysis and interpretation of geometries of acoustic reflectors in the upper 50
m of the outer shelf and slope. The cruise aboard the WECOMA of Oregon State
University was the second in 10 months devoted to these goals and resulted in
over 1100 km of high-resolution seismic-reflection data using the Huntec DTS and
high-resolution sidescan sonar using the Datasonics SIS-1000 system.
Thanks to an excellent support team from Marfac, and at-sea support
extraodinaire from our John Gann and Tom O'Brien from Woods Hole, we achieved
all of our objectives, despite some LARGE waves and ubiquitous crab pots. The
results are outstanding from our viewpoint, and they should provide lots of new
insights for understanding the late Quaternary development of the shelf and
slope, particularly with regard to channel flows on slopes, the Humboldt
submarine slide, and tectonic deformation of late Quaternary deposits.
The data are being processed and archived at present. If you are interested
in more information, our cruise report, tracklines, and a few images are
available on the web at our marine facility page
--- Look for it to appear in our WUSGS site on
walrus in the very near future. Mike Field amd Jim Gardner
Cruise Report exists at Woods Hole

Mayer, Larry, Fonseca, Luciano, Pacheco, Miguel, Galway, Sean, Vicente Martinez,
Jose, Hou, Tianhang, Orange, Dan, Gulick, Sean, Yun, Janet, Gardner, James V.,
Dartnell, Pete, Lee, Homa, and Cutter, Randy, 200?, The STRATAFORM GIS:
University of New Brunswick, Office of Naval Research.
Got Help? For 96030, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, kms of navigation, NGDC Info, owner, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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