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ID P-3-95-MB
Abstract Chief Scientists: Dave Scholl, Deidra Sullivan. Data (uniboom, mudseis, YoNav, GPS, sidescansonar, boxcore, gravitycore, multicore) of field activity P-3-95-MB in Monterey Bay from 09/27/1995 to 09/27/1995
Project/Theme Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
National Plan Environment
Chief Scientist Dave Scholl
Deidra Sullivan
Platform Point Sur
Area of Operation
Monterey Bay
Location map P-3-95-MB location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 36.89702
-122.07189    -121.78512
Dates 09/27/1995 (JD 270) to 09/27/1995 (JD 270)
Analog Materials list
Index map

P-3-95-MB map of where navigation equipment operated

Dave Scholl Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Deidra Sullivan Chief Scientist, CSU-MLML
Brian Edwards Geophysicist, USGS Western Region
Dennis Mann Geophysicist, USGS Western Region
Gary Greene Geologist, USGS Western Region
Carolyn Degnan Geologist, USGS Western Region
Mike Boyle Electronic Technician, USGS Western Region
Larry Kooker Electronic Technician, USGS Western Region
Equipment Used
Seafloor mapping in the Soquel Canyon
region to map the geometry and track of a stream channel(s) that should
have crossed the shelf area and fed into the head of Soquel Canyon
during times of glacially lowered sea level (last time about 10,000
years ago). Theoretically, a number of superimposed channels could
exist, each cut during different glacial episodes.
As an outreach program to Moss Landing Marine Lab and the California State
University system, this will give Dave Scholl and Bob Garrison's Geological
Oceanography class a hands-on lesson on modern data acquisition techniques in
inshore environments and how to address real geologic problems.
Deidre Sullivan will brief the class about her Soquel science program.
Hopefully, the class work will contribute to the collection of data beneficial
to her efforts.
Deidre and Roberto Anima, who has been collecting and studying inshore data
along the northern side of Monterey Bay, will participate to accurately inform
the class about canyon and channel related science in Monterey Bay.
The work is informally phased in with some of USGS's Monterey Sanctuary work, in
particular that coordinated by Brian Edwards.
Brian and Dennis Mann are interested in contributing to the overall effort and
class teaching activities.
It is doubted that the sidescan will help here, but the class should have an
opportunity to also map sediment types (backscatter characteristrics, etc)
shelfward of the head of Soquel Canyon.
This sort of information is pretty helpful where habitat characterization is
When the grid survey work is completed, we will pull gear and return to sample
surface sediment at interesting sidescan- or Uniboom-located sites.
A grid will be established for the Point Sur to follow. Uniboom
records will be used to identify channels and map their course. Gary Greene says
channel fill exhibits acoustics characteristics (gas-charged seds) that will
help map its buried course.
Associated activities:







Dave, Larry, John (MARFAC):
Just some information for you guys. Bob Garrison and I are team
teaching a core class at Moss Landing in Geological Oceanography. Gary
Greene's the guy who signed us up. An important part of the class work is a
cruise on the Pt Sur, scheduled for either Sept 20th or the 27th. Although
I've talk this matter over with Dave and Larry (Larry was to brief John), I
just wanted to explain in writing what we are attempting to accomplish. The
class work on the Pt Sur will be informally phased in with some of USGS's
Monterey Sanc work, in particular that coordinated by Brian Edwards.
Basically, what we would like to have on the Sur is a uniboom
seismic system, and John's Yo-Nav navigation system, and Larry's mudseis
recording system. If we can assemble this stuff, then the MLML class will
get a great idea about modern data acquisition techniques in inshore
environments, and how ones goes about addressing real geologic problems. We
also want to do some sampling (multisampler, box corer, and maybe
I'm off to Europe from the 2nd to the 26th of August. So the
contact point about the cruise date is through Bob Garrison
( He will let you guys know as soon as he can which
date is to be scheduled. I hope this all works out because it will be a
grand outreach program to Moss Landing and the Cal State Univ system.
Thanks for the positive response. We had our first class meeting
last Wednesday on the 30th. We (Bob Garrison and I) have a class of 11
students. Gary Greene was there to help us get underway okay--and he did
buy us lunch at Phils.
The MLML Geological Oceanography class is populated mostly by
graduate students interested in biological or environmental oceanography, a
few have some geologic training. The students enroled in the class to
pickup a general background in marine earth science to better career
prepare themselves. They are a lively bunch of bright people, so the first
class meeting was lots of fun.
Toward the end of the day Bob and I outlined a number of scientific
problems, identified beforehand by Gary, that the class could address in a
one-day cruise on the Pt Sur--presently set for September 27. After some
discussion, the class decided to attempt to map the geometry and track of a
stream channel(s) that should have crossed the shelf area and fed into the
head of Soquel Canyon during times of glacially lowered sea level (last
time about 10,000 years ago). Gary says the channel fill exhibits acoustics
characteristics (gas-charged seds) that will help us map its buried course.
The Soquel channel problem has the additional benefit in that the map area
is in the lee of the Santa Cruz bulge and sailing time from ML is just an
hour or so.
To do the mapping, and to show the class modern field equipment and
approaches, here's what we need in the way of equipment:
1) Uniboom--double plate, complete with streamer, amps, and
facsimile recorder.
2) MudSeis digital recording and display system
3) YeoNav, and related monitors, display, recording devices
etc, using differential GPS
4) Sidescan
1) Box corer
2) Gravity corer
3) Multisampler
Although MLML has a one-plate Uniboom sled, it has not been used
much. So it would be best if we used MARFAC electronic and geophysical
gear. Mike Prince feels the same way. But the Multisampler, I believe,
belongs to MLML. I've never used one so I'm not sure what I'm asking for or
getting into, but the students should have an opportunity to use the latest
and sexiest bottom samplers.
To efficiently carry everthing off in one day, both technically and
scientifically, we need the following smart bodies:
John Gan,
Larry Kooker,
Mike Prince,
Rich Muller,
Gary Greene
The class will be asked to design the field experiment with respect
to an attempt to locate and map the course of a buried stream channel(s)
hypothesized to have fed into the head of the canyon during periods of
shelf emergence. Theoretically, a number of superimposed channels could
exist, each cut during different glacial episodes. Basically, a grid will
be established for the Pt Sur to follow. Uniboom records will be used to
identify channels and map their course. I doubt that the sidescan will help
here, but the class should have an opportunity to also map sediment types
(backscatter characteristrics, etc) shelfward of the head of Soquel Canyon.
This sort of information is pretty helpful where habitat characterization
is needed. I presume that we can tow a small sidescan (analog will do) and
also the Uniboom sled?.
When the grid survey work is completed, we will pull gear and
return to sample surface sediment at interesting sidescan- or
Uniboom-located sites. Onboard navigation plots would be really helpful
here--can we plot our track work in real time? Also, can we provide a
bridge display so that course and direction to a sampling site, or progress
along a track, can be graphically or numerically presented???
It's been some time since I helped run a high-resolution
investigation on a ship of opportunity, so I could easily be asking for
stupid things. But, no matter, I pretty sure that the bunch of us can carry
out a problem-oriented outreach program in marine geo-investigations that
will prove mutually beneficial to the Survey, our Sanctuary project there,
the MLML class members specifically, and State College system more
Dennis Mann and Brian Edwards are interested in contributing to the
overall effort and class teaching activities. So I'm keeping them, as well
as Steve Eittreim and a few others, informed about the cruise planning
Give me a shout next week about these general plans. Because time
is rather short, I need a reality check before going further.
It was a genuine pleasure meeting you at the Greene's and talking
over matters linked to the Pt Sur cruise of the Geological Oceanography
class that Bob Garrison and I are teaching.
Although I had had a few glasses of wine before we chatted, I think
I remember asking if you would be willing to come to our laboratory session
(at the ML Benthic Lab) of September 20, which Bob and I want to devote to
cruise planning and bringing the class scientifically up to speed about the
project they have chosen, which is to attempt to find and map buried
channels leading into the head of Soquel Canyon. For your background, at
the bottom of this email message I've pasted on two earlier messages to
Dave Hogg of MARFAC and Bob Garrison and Lisa Marrack, and other key folks
helping us prepare for and conduct the cruise.
The lab begins about 1:30 pm on the 20th.
What we had chatted about was providing an opportunity for the
class to be briefed about your Soquel science program. And, if possible,
1995contribute to the collection of data beneficial to your effort. Gary told
me that you're doing some pretty interesting things in Soquel Canyon, and I
for one would like to get informed about your findings and thinkings--can
you show-and-tell you stuff on the afternoon of the 20th?
The other matter we kicked around was the possibility that you
would sail with us on the 27th and be our resident Soquel Canyon
scientist--is this possible?? I've also asked Bob Anima of the USGS to come
along because he's been collecting and studying inshore data along the
northern side of Monterey Bay. The two of you would be able to accurately
inform the class members about canyon and channel related science in
Monterey Bay.
I'm going to be away from my office until Monday--off to Texas A&M
to participate in a thesis defense. I'll try to get in contact with you
when I return.
By the way, following your counsel, I'm working through Gary Greene
so that we can not only get the Sur loaded before the 27th, but also sail
as early as 0700. I know that Murphy is watching our every move, so we are
going to need all the time we can get to solve problems and complete the
class project in one day.
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 08:53:33 -0700
Subject: Folks cruising
Cc:,, dmann@octopus,
cdegnan@octopus, bedwards@octopus,,
ranima@octopus,, mboyle@octopus,
eittreim@octopus,, dhogg@octopus, pbarnes@octopus,
Fraka Harmsen of Fresno State called back and relayed that
approximately 10 students and an instructor, possibly Fraka, will be
joining us tomorrow on the Pt Sur.
So, the rough-count of those sailing is presently:
Class members, MS 141-------------------------11
ML class instructors (Dave Scholl,
Lisa Marrack, Deidre Sullivan)-------------------3
ML special guests-------------------------------2
MARFAC Specialists (Larry Kooker, Mike Boyle)----2
ML Operations Chuck Cheaney-------------------1
USGS particpating scientists/data specialists-----4
Bob Anima
Dennis Mann
Carolyn Degnan
Brian Edwards
Fresno State Instructor and students ----------11
TOTAL ANTICIPATED --------------------34
All students and special guest have been asked to bring bag
lunches. Those wishing to mess with ship's personnel are the following:
Deidra Sullivan
Lisa Marrack
Mike Boyle
Larry Kooker
Bob Anima
Bryan Edwards
Carolyn Degnan
Dennis Mann
Fraka Harmsen (?)
I would like to schedule a short science orientation meeting at
about 0645 for the ML students and also those coming from Fresno State. Is
this going to be okay, can I hold the meeting and not interfer with
getting-underway procedures? I could hold the meeting after we clear the
jetty, but I prefer to use this time to introduce folks to the various
pieces of equipment we will deploy and the YoNav and 3.5 kHz systems in
operations. Run time to deployment, if weather and sea state cooperate, is
roughly an hour.
I should be down today about 1600 to help load MARFAC gear and get
familiar with the Pt Sur's layout and operations.
David W. Scholl Desk: (415)-354-3127
U.S. Geological Survey FAX: (415-354-3191
Ms 999 Email:
345 Middlefield Rd.
Menlo Park, Calif.
Got Help? For P-3-95-MB, we would appreciate any information on -- activity type, contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, information to be derived, kms of navigation, NGDC Info, organization, owner, ports, project number, publications, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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