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McHenry: Keep politics out of it

May, 13 2009  - The looming 2010 census has gotten considerable attention in Washington. In most cases, it has not been constructive. White House attempts to run the census in-house had two effects. First, they politicized our nation's largest peacetime mobilization. Second, they implied the Census Bureau is incapa... More

Census Subcommittee Republicans to Census Bureau: Cut Ties with ACORN

May, 11 2009  - Today, Republican Members of the House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives sent the following letter to the U.S. Census Bureau concerning its partnership with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Mr. Thomas L. Mesenbourg Acting Director ... More

Thumbs Up

May, 9 2009  - THUMBS UP to U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry for working toward the creation of a national Hmong Recognition Day. The day would recognize the contributions of this group of American citizens' sacrifice to support the United States during and since the Vietnam War. McHenry understands the positive contribu... More

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