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  • Revised guidelines limit stem-cell tests (The News Journal/AP)
    Apr 18, 2009  - Only those fated for destruction are usable By LAURAN NEERGAARD Associated Press WASHINGTON -- When President Barack Obama eased limits on federally funded embryonic stem-cell research, the big question became how far scientists could go. Friday, the government answered: They must use cells c... More
    Apr 17, 2009  - U.S. Reps. Michael Castle (R-DE) and Diana DeGette (D-CO), chief architects of bipartisan legislation expanding stem cell research, today commented on the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) draft guidelines for the federal funding of stem cell research, including embryonic stem cell research.&nbs... More
    Apr 7, 2009  - Today, Reps. Michael Castle (R-DE) and Jane Harman (D-CA) introduced the Improving Communication with Consumers During Food Recall Act, in an effort to streamline communication with consumers in the rare but alarming cases when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that a food p... More
    Mar 23, 2009  - On March 24, 2009, Rep. Mike Castle, co-chair of the Congressional Diabetes Caucus, will promote American Diabetes Alert Day through "Diabetes 101", a Congressional briefing about the diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes. This national awareness effort, sponsored by the American Diabetes Association ... More
  • Castle eyes human cloning ban (The News Journal)
    Mar 18, 2009  - Rep. Mike Castle said he may take on the issue of human cloning as he and Rep. Diana DeGette of Colorado consider their next legislative move on stem cell research. President Barack Obama issued an executive order March 9 lifting former President George W. Bush's ban on federal funding for embryoni... More
  • Nutritional programs proven to boost kids’ school attendance, performance
    Mar 17, 2009  - Recently, President Obama said, “Let there be no doubt: The future belongs to the nation that best educates its citizens. The relative decline of American education is untenable for our economy, unsustainable for our democracy and unacceptable for our children. And we cannot afford to let it continu... More
  • Health Care Factions Loom on Hill (CQ)
    Mar 13, 2009  - By Alex Wayne, CQ Staff The legislation that will become President Obama’s health care overhaul has yet to be introduced, and Obama himself has provided only a rough outline of how the plan should look. Yet it is already possible to discern multiple factions forming within Congress. The bulk of De... More
  • Congress moves as stem cell limits lifted (Reuters)
    Mar 10, 2009  - By David Alexander WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama signed an order lifting eight years of restrictions on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research on Monday as scientists gushed, activists cheered and shares in stem cell companies rose. Members of Congress and executives... More
  • Obama to allow federal funding for stem-cell research (The News Journal)
    Mar 10, 2009  - By RACHEL KIPPThe News Journal Reversing Bush policy, President Barack Obama on Monday cleared the way for a significant increase in federal dollars for embryonic stem-cell research and promised no scientific data will be "distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda." Obama signed the execu... More
  • Striking the right, but difficult and delicate balance (The News Journal)
    Mar 10, 2009  - Our ViewPresident Obama’s reversal of his predecessor’s stem cell policy on Tuesday also served as a revocation of an unspoken government sanction to allow politics to influence the outcome of scientific inquiry. By undoing the 2001 directive that banned federal funding for research into stem lines... More
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