Jackie's Journal

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Be Prepared

The difference between survival and devastation during a natural or man-made disaster often depends on preparation. When an earthquake occurs, we are always surprised, but need not be unprepared.

After a major earthquake, medical aid, transportation, water, electricity, and communication could be unavailable or severely restricted for several days. We each must be prepared to take care of ourself, our family and those who depend on us for at least 3 days.

Prepare emergency kits for your home, work, and car. These should include:

  • flashlights/extra batteries
  • A-B-C rated fire extinguisher
  • battery or crank-operated radio
  • first-aid kit
  • one gallon of water per person per day
  • food
  • warm clothes
  • sturdy shoes
  • cash in small denominations
  • baby supplies
  • small toy of other distraction for young children

Place the emergency kit in a safe and easily reachable location and tell everyone in your family where it is. Also, discuss with your family how to react after a disaster. Pick a place in the neighborhood where you will meet in the event your home becomes unsafe. And identify a relative out-of-state that family members can check in with if local communications are down.

San Francisco and San Mateo County have excellent guides to help prepare for emergencies.

For more information on how to prepare or what you can to do to help in the event of an emergency, contact the Bay Area Chapter of the Red Cross.