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Managing for Excellence - Draft Products

Many reports and products will be generated during the Managing for Excellence implementation. When these products are ready for your review and comment, they will be placed on this page under their respective
Functional Area. Once products have been updated and approved by Reclamation management for implementation, they will be listed as a Final Product. Please check back regularly, as new products can be posted at any time.

Draft Products Available for Review and Comment

Draft Products Available for Information Only

Draft Policy and Directive and Standards

To access draft Reclamation Manual releases associated with Action Item 7, click here. Each DRAFT release will provide an e-mail address for stakeholders to submit comments. Reclamation will review and consider the comments received during the revision process of each Policy and Directive and Standard; however, Reclamation will not provide responses to submitted comments. All Reclamation employees will continue to submit consolidated comments through their organizational directorate.

Last Updated: April 20, 2009