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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Download the Duty Station File

The duty station file is in ASCII text format. The records are sorted in ascending order on duty station code, with foreign duty stations preceding U.S. duty stations. The record format is shown below. To download the file (which is zipped), press the Download button. After the file has been downloaded and unzipped, open it using a word processor. For proper display, use a Courier font.




Duty Station Code.


Positions 1-2 identify the foreign country, U.S. possession, or U.S. administered area (if positions 1-2 are alphabetic) or the U.S. state (if positions 1-2 are numeric). A record with a code where positions 1-2 are alphabetic and positions 3-9 are zeros shows the name of the foreign country, U.S. possession, or U.S. administered area. A record with a code where positions 1-2 are numeric and positions 3-9 are zeros shows the name of the U.S. state. Note that the codes for U.S. state names are included for code translation purposes only, and are not valid for reporting to the Central Personnel Data File (CPDF).

Positions 3-6 identify the city.

For a U.S. state, positions 7-9 identify the U.S. county. A record with a code where positions 3-6 are zeros and positions 7-9 are not zeros shows the name of the U.S. county. Note that for a foreign country, U.S. possession, or U.S. administered area, positions 7-9 are zeros.


Locality Pay Area (LPA).


Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) (or blank if the duty station is not in a CBSA).


Combined Statistical Area (CSA) (or blank if the duty station is not in a CSA).


Duty Station Name (with trailing blanks truncated).

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