Thank you for contacting me with your interest in seeking a nomination to one of the United States military academies and I am pleased to consider you for possible nomination. Without a doubt, the military academies are some of the finest schools in our great nation. They teach academics as well as instill self discipline, commitment to our Nation, and leadership skills in the young Americans who attend.

The academies look for a well rounded person; therefore academic qualifications, test scores, and abilities are all weighed. Applicants must be at least 17 years old, but not past their 23rd birthday, must be a United States citizen, and must be unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents.

Please fill out this form and my office will send you an application packet. Once you complete the packet return it to: Congressman Lee Terry, Attn: Dean Mathisen, 11717 Burt Street, Suite 106, Omaha, NE 68154. The finished packet should include:

Applicant Information Sheets (sent to you in the packet).

A resume. One to two typewritten pages covering your employment history, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and community involvement.

A written personal essay. The essay is one to two typewritten pages (double or single space) on the topic assigned in the packet.

Three letters of recommendation written by people who know you very well such as your employer, school counselor, or church leader.

ACT and/or SAT scores. Information regarding the tests may be obtained from your high school counselor.

High school transcript.

College transcript (if applicable).

A recent photograph.

My selection process is as follows. Complete and submit your application packet (outlined above). All candidates must provide this information to my office by October 31st. All applicants, with completed packets, will be scheduled for an interview with my Selection Board. Members of the board are from the 2nd Congressional District and have diverse backgrounds. The interview will take place in November. The interview is a required part of the nomination process. Dean in my district office will contact you with the date and time of your interview.

The Board will be completely responsible for choosing my nominees. You will be notified by late December whether you are selected for nomination. Once you are nominated by me; the military academy will only offer an appointment if and when you successfully complete their screening and selection process.

I will offer you the following advice to maximize your success in the nomination process:

You should contact your two United States senators. Begin an application with them. Be certain to confirm their deadlines and requirements, as their procedures may differ.

You should consider all of the excellent military academies and maximize your chances for acceptance if nominated. These academies are:

U.S. Military Academy (West Point, NY):
U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD):
U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, CO):
Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, NY):
U.S. Coast Guard Academy (New London, CT):

(The USCGA does not require a congressional nomination. Application is made directly by the student to the academy for attendance.)

You should contact the academies in which you have an interest. They will start a file and send you additional information.

Found out the name and telephone number of the Area Liaison Officer (ALO) for each of the academies you are interested in attending. Contact the ALOs and get to know them. They can help you prepare your application with the academy they represent.

Visit and tour the academies you are interested in if you can.

Please feel free to contact Dean Mathisen in my Omaha district office at (402) 397-9944 or e-mail if you have any questions during the nomination process. Again, I commend you for your interest in the military academies and wish you good luck in your endeavors.