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Project ID: 2005CO117B

Title: Occurrence and Fate of Organic Wastewater Contaminants in Onsite Wastewater Systems and Implications for Water Quality Management

Project Type: Research

Start Date: 03/01/2006

End Date: 02/28/2007

Congressional District: 4th

Focus Category: Groundwater, Water Quality, Treatment

Keywords: onsite wastewater systems, organic contaminants

Principal Investigator: Waskom, Reagan M. (Colorado State University)

Federal Funds: $16,800

Non-Federal Matching Funds: $33,900

Abstract: The occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals, consumer product chemicals and other organic wastewater contaminants (OWCs) in effluent from onsite wastewater treatment systems is of interest because of potential adverse effects on ecosystems and human health. Since decentralized wastewater treatment systems are used by 25% of the population in the U.S. and onsite treatment systems are used in 35% of new developments, an assessment of the effectiveness of various treatments in filtering out these contaminants becomes increasingly important. The research proposed will provide new information on the removal efficiencies that can be expected for commonly occurring OWCs during wastewater effluent percolation through unsaturated soil prior to groundwater or surface water recharge. Completion of the proposed research will provide important new information for decision-makers to properly assess if there are any associated risks and, if so, make informed judgments about appropriate risk management strategies.

Progress/Completion Reports, PDF

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintained by: John Schefter
Last Updated: Thursday, November 29, 2007
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