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Project ID:2003ND25B

Title:: Evolution of Fish Growth and its Response to Climate Change

Project Type: Research

Start Date: 03/01/2006

End Date: 02/28/2007

Congressional District: 1

Focus Categories: Climatological Processes, Wetlands

Keywords: Climatic change, Fossil records, global warming, Fish Growth

Principal Investigator: Ashworth, Allan

Federal Funds: $ 3,000

Non-Federal Matching Funds: $ 6,000

Abstract: It is important to consider the implications of climatic change on surface water resources in light of potential consequences of global warming. Fossils can be used to examine the effects of climate change on fish because of the long-term nature of the data. North Dakota boasts some of the best long-term data sets in the form of a fossil record to measure the effects of climatic warming on fish populations. This dissertation research will provide insight for fishery biologists and wetland ecologists concerning the long-term response of contemporary fish growth and population trends in North Dakota given potential climatic changes. This Fellowship research will focus on the comparative growth of several groups of fish. Specifically, we will contrast growth of fish in the fossil record to that of living fish to determine mean annual temperature change in the geologic record. The analyses are important for fishery biologists and ecologists in North Dakota who are interested in the implications of climatic change on surface water resources and fish.

Progress/Completion Report, PDF

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintained by: John Schefter
Last Updated: Thursday, November 29, 2007
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