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CCDF State and Territories Plan Preprint

Index: ACYF-PI-CC-99-01 | Table of Contents | Plan Preprint | Guidance | Amendments Log | (Collection available in Word and PDF)
Related Items: ACF Regional Administrators | FY 2002-2003 Plan Preprint and Program Instruction | FY 2000 Final Allocations and Earmarks for States / Territories | FY 2001 Final Allocations and Earmarks

Plan Preprint (also in Word)


FFY 2000-2001

This Plan describes the CCDF program to be conducted by the State for the period 10/1/99 - 9/30/01. As provided for in the applicable statutes and regulations, the Lead Agency has the flexibility to modify this program at any time, including changing the options selected or described herein.

The official text of the applicable laws and regulations govern, and the Lead Agency acknowledges its responsibility to adhere to them regardless of the fact that, for purposes of simplicity and clarity, the specific provisions printed herein are sometimes paraphrases of, or excerpts and incomplete quotations from, the full text.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
(Form ACF 118 Approved OMB Number: 0970-0114 expires 05/31/2000)


The agency shown below has been designated by the Chief Executive Officer of the State (or Territory), to represent the State (or Territory) as the Lead Agency. The Lead Agency agrees to administer the program in accordance with applicable Federal laws, regulations and in accordance with the provisions of this Plan, accordance with the provisions of this Plan, including the assurances and certifications appended hereto. (658D, 658E)

1.1 Lead Agency Information:

Name of Lead Agency:
Address of Lead Agency:
Name and Title of the Lead Agency's Administrator: 
Phone & Fax Numbers:

1.2 State Child Care (CCDF) Contact Information:

Contact for State

Child Care (CCDF):

Address of State

Child Care Contact:

Phone & Fax Numbers:

1.3 The Lead Agency estimates that the following amounts will be available for child care services and related activities during the 1-year period: October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000. (§98.13(a)) 

-Federal Child Care & Development Fund: $___________. 
-State Maintenance of Effort and Matching Funds:$________.

1.4 The Lead Agency estimates that the following amount (or percentage) of the CCDF will be used to administer the program: $__________. (§98.13(a))
1.5  Does the Lead Agency directly administer and implement all services, programs and activities funded under the CCDF Act, including those described in Part 5 - Activities & Services to Improve the Quality and Availability of Child Care?
( ) Yes. - GO to Section 1.8.
( ) No, and the following describes how the Lead Agency maintains overall control when services activities are provided through other agencies. (658D(b)(1)(A), §98.11)
1.6  For child care services funded under §98.50 (i.e., certificates, vouchers, grants/contracts for slots based on individual eligibility), does the Lead Agency itself:
  • Determine individual eligibility of non-TANF families? YES___ NO___                                      If NO, identify the name and type of agency that determines eligibility of non-TANF families for  child  care:
  • Determine individual eligibility of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families families? YES___ NO___                                                                                                                                        If NO, identify the name and type of agency that determines eligibility of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families families for child care:
  • Assist parents in locating child care? YES____ NO___                                                                                                                                         If NO, identify the name and type of agency that assists parents:
  • Make payments to providers? YES____ NO___                                                                          If NO, identify the name and type of agency that makes payments:
1.7  Is any entity named in response to section 1.6 a non-governmental entity?
( ) No.
( ) Yes, the following entities named in section 1.6 are non-governmental:

Section 1.8 - Use of Private Donated Funds

1.8.1 Will the Lead Agency use private donated funds to meet a part of the matching requirement of the CCDF pursuant to §98.53?
( ) No. GO TO 1.9.
( ) Yes, and the entity designated to receive private donated funds is:
Name of entity:



1.8.2  Is the entity designated to receive private donated funds (named above) a non-governmental agency? (§98.11(a))
( ) Yes.
( ) No.

Section 1.9 - Use of State Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Expenditures

1.9.1  During this plan period, will State expenditures for Pre-K programs be used to meet any of the CCDF maintenance of effort (MOE) requirement?
( ) No.
( ) Yes, and the State assures that its level of effort in full day/full year child care services has not been reduced, pursuant to §98.53(h)(1).
1.9.2 During this plan period, will State expenditures for Pre-K programs be used to meet any of the CCDF Matching Fund requirement?
( ) No.
( ) Yes, and the following describes State efforts to ensure that pre-K programs meet the needs of working parents (§98.53(h)(2)):
1.9.3  Will the State use Pre-K expenditures to meet more than 10% of the:
  • Maintenance of effort requirement, OR
  • Matching fund requirement?
If "No" to both, CHECK HERE ( ).
If "Yes" to either, the following describes how the State will coordinate its Pre-K and child care services to expand the availability of child care (§98.53(h)(4)).

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Section 2.1 - Consultation:

Describe the consultations the Lead Agency held in developing this Plan. At a minimum, the description must state what representatives of local governments (including tribal organizations when such organizations exist within the boundaries of the State) were consulted. (658D(b)(2), §98.12(b), §98.14(b))

Section 2.2 - Coordination of Services:

Describe the results of coordinating the delivery of CCDF-funded child care services with other Federal, State, tribal (if applicable), and local child care, early childhood development programs and the agencies specified at 45 CFR 98.14(a)(1)(A)-(D). (658D(b)(1)(D), §98.12, §98.14(a)(2))

Section 2.3 - Public Hearing Process:

Describe the Statewide public hearing process held to provide the public an opportunity to comment on the provision of child care services under this Plan. At a minimum, the description must include the date(s) of the hearing(s), how and when the public was notified Statewide of the hearing(s), and the hearing site(s). (658D(b)(1)(C), §98.14(c))

Section 2.4 - Public-Private Partnerships:
 Describe the activities, including planned activities, to encourage public-private partnerships which promote private-sector involvement in meeting child care needs. (658D(b)(1), §98.14(a)&(b))

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Section 3.1 - Description of Child Care Services:

REMINDER: The Lead Agency must offer certificates for services funded under 45 CFR 98.50. Certificates must permit parents to choose from a variety of child care categories including center-based care, group home care, family child care and in-home care. (§98.30(f))

3.1.1 In addition to offering certificates, does the Lead Agency also have grants or contracts for child care slots?
( ) No.
( ) Yes, and the following describes the types of child care services and the range of providers that will be available through grants or contracts: (658A(b)(1), 658P(5)&(6), §98.50(b), §98.16(g)(1)),

3.1.2  The Lead Agency must allow for in-home care, but may limit its use. Does the Lead Agency limit the use of in-home care in any way?
( ) No.

( ) Yes, and the limits and the reasons for those limits are (§98.30(e)(1)(iv)):

3.1.3  Are all of the child care services described in 3.1.1 above (including certificates) offered throughout the State? (658E(a), §98.16(g)(3))
( ) Yes

( ) No, and the following are the localities (political subdivisions) and the services that are not offered:

Section 3.2 - Payment Rates for the Provision of Child Care:

The statute (at 658E(c)(4)) requires the Lead Agency to establish payment rates for child care services that ensure eligible children equal access to comparable care and these rates are provided as Attachment . The attached payment rates are effective as of _________________.

The following is a summary of the facts relied on by the State to determine that the attached rates are sufficient to ensure equal access to comparable child care services provided to children whose parents are not eligible to receive child care assistance under the CCDF and other governmental programs. Include, at a minimum (§98.43(b)):

  • The date of the local market rate survey(s):___________________
  • How the payment rates are adequate to ensure equal access based on the results of the required local market rate survey (i.e., the relationship between the attached payment rates and the market rates observed in the survey):

  • If the payment rates do not reflect individual rates for the full range of providers -- center-based, group home, family and in-home care -- explain how the choice of the full range of providers is made available to parents:

  • Additional facts:


Section 3.3 - Eligibility Criteria for Child Care:

By statute, all eligible children must be under the age of 13 and reside with a family whose income does not exceed 85% of the State Median Income (SMI) for a family of the same size and whose parent(s) are working or attending a job training or educational program or who receive or need to receive protective services. (658E(c)(3)(B), 658P(4), §98.20(a))

3.3.1  Complete columns (a) & (b) of the matrix below. In addition, complete Column (c) ONLY IF the Lead Agency is using income eligibility limits lower than 85% of the SMI).


Family Size
(a) 85% of State Median Income (SMI)


(b) Very Low Income


(c) Income Level, lower than 85% SMI, if used to limit eligibility



3.3.2 Has the Lead Agency established additional eligibility criteria, for example different income limits in different parts of the State? (658E(c)(3)(B), §98.16(g)(3), §98.20(b))
( ) No
( ) Yes, and the additional eligibility criteria are: (Terms must be defined in Appendix 2)
3.3.3  Has the Lead Agency elected to waive, on a case-by-case basis, the fee and income eligibility requirements for cases in which children receive, or need to receive, protective services, as defined in Appendix 2? (658P(4), 658E(c)(3)(B), §98.20(a)(3)(ii)(A))
( ) Not Applicable, CCDF-funded child care is not provided in cases in which children receive, or need to receive, protective services.
( ) No
( ) Yes
3.3.4  Does the Lead Agency allow child care for children age 13 and above who are physically and/or mentally incapable of self-care? (Physical and mental incapacity must then be defined in Appendix 2.) (658P(4), 658E(c)(3)(B), §98.20(a)(1)(ii))
( ) No
( ) Yes, and the upper age is .
3.3.5 Does the Lead Agency allow child care for children age 13 and above who are under court supervision? (658P(4), 658E(c)(3)(B), §98.20(a)(1)(ii)
( ) No
( ) Yes, and the upper age is .
3.3.6  Does the State choose to provide CCDF-funded child care to children in foster care whose 
foster care parents are not working, or who are not in education/training activities? (§§98.20(a)(3)(ii), 98.16(f)(7)) 
 ( ) Yes. (NOTE: This means that for CCDF purposes the State considers these children to be in protective services.) 
 ( ) No.
3.3.7  Does the State choose to provide respite child care to children in protective services? (§§98.16(f)(7), 98.20) 
( ) Yes. 
( ) No. 

Section 3.4 Priorities for Children:

3.4.1 The following is a list of the priorities for serving CCDF-eligible children: (Terms must be defined in Appendix 2) (658E(c)(3)(B)):
3.4.2 The following describes how the State will meet the specific child care needs of families who are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), families who are attempting through work activities to transition off of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, and families that are at risk of becoming dependent on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. (658E(c)(2)(H), Section 418(b)(2) of the Social Security Act, §98.50(e), §98.16(g)(4))

Section 3.5 - Sliding Fee Scale for Child Care Services:

3.5.1  A sliding fee scale, which is used to determine each family's contribution to the cost of child care, must vary based on income and the size of the family. A copy of this sliding fee scale for child care services and an explanation of how it works is provided as Attachment .

Will the Lead Agency use additional factors to determine each family's contribution to the cost of child care?

(658E(c)(3)(B), §98.42(b))
( ) No.

( ) Yes, and the following describes those additional factors, including how they will be used to determine the family's contribution:

3.5.2 Is the same sliding fee scale provided in the attachment in response to question 3.5.1 above in use in all parts of the State? (658E(c)(3)(B) )
( ) Yes

( ) No, and other scale(s) are provided as Attachment .

3.5.3 The Lead Agency may waive contributions from families whose incomes
are at/ below the poverty level for a family of the same size, (§98.42(c)), and the poverty level used by the Lead Agency for a family
of 3 is: $_________________.

The Lead Agency must elect ONE of these options:
( ) ALL families with income at or below the poverty level for a family of the same size ARE NOT required to pay a fee.

( ) ALL families, including those with incomes at or below the poverty level for families of the same size, ARE required to pay a fee.

( ) SOME families with income at or below the poverty level for a family of the same size ARE NOT required to pay a fee. A description of these families is:

3.5.4 The following is an explanation of how the copayments required by the Lead Agency's sliding fee scale(s) are affordable: (§98.43(b)(3))

Section 3.6 - Certificate Payment System:

A child care certificate means a certificate, check, or other disbursement that is issued by the Lead Agency directly to a parent who may use it only to pay for child care services from a variety of providers (including center-based, group home, family and in-home child care), or, if required, as a deposit for services. (658E(c)(2)(A)), 658P(2), §98.2, §98.16(k), §98.30(c))

Describe the overall child care certificate payment process, including, at a minimum:

3.6.1  A description of the form of the certificate:

3.6.2  A description of how the certificate program permits parents to choose from a variety of child care settings by explaining how a parent moves from receipt of the certificate to the choice of provider;

3.6.3  If the Lead Agency is also providing child care services through grants and contracts, explain how it ensures that parents offered child care services are given the option of receiving a child care certificate.

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PART 4 - Processes with Parents

4.1 The following describes the process for a family to apply/receive child care services (658E(c)(D), 658D(b)(1)(A), 658E(c)(3)(B), §98.30, §98.16(k)). The description should include:
  • How parents are informed of the availability of child care services and of available child care options;
  • Where/how applications are made;
  • Who makes the eligibility determination, and

  • Length of eligibility.
    4.2  The following is a detailed description of how the State maintains a record of substantiated parental complaints and how it makes the information regarding such parental complaints available to the public on request. (658E(c)(2)(C), §98.32))

    4.3 The following is a detailed description of the procedures in effect in the State for affording parents unlimited access to their children whenever their children are in the care of a provider who receives CCDF funds. (658E(c)(2)(B), §98.31))
  • The regulations at §98.33(b) require the Lead Agency to inform parents who receive Temporary Assistance to Needy Families benefits about the exception to the individual penalties associated with the work requirement for any single custodial parent who has a demonstrated inability to obtain needed child care for a child under 6 years of age. 

  • In fulfilling this requirement, the following criteria or definitions are applied by the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families agency to determine whether the parent has a demonstrated inability to obtain needed child care:

    (NOTE: The Temporary Assistance to Needy Families agency, not the Child Care Lead Agency, is responsible for establishing the following criteria or definitions. These criteria or definitions are offered in this Plan as a matter of public record. The Temporary Assistance to Needy Families agency that established these criteria or definitions is:

    • "appropriate child care":

    • "reasonable distance":

    • "unsuitability of informal child care":
    • "affordable child care arrangements":

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    5.1 The law requires that not less than 4% of the CCDF be used for quality activities (658G, §98.13(a), §98.51, §98.16(h)). The Lead Agency estimates that the following amount (or percentage) will be used for the quality activities described in this Part:
    $ ____________________________
    5.2  The following describes the activities to improve the quality of care for infants/toddlers and identifies the entity(ies) providing them:
    5.3  The following describes child care resource and referral activities and identifies the entity(ies) providing them:
    5.4  The following describes school-aged child care activities and identifies the entity(ies) providing them.
    5.5  Check either "Yes" or "No" for each activity listed to indicate which activities the Lead Agency will undertake to improve the availability and quality of child care. (658G, 658E(c)(3)(B))

    Yes No
    ___ ___ comprehensive consumer education;

    ___ ___ grants or loans to providers to assist in meeting State and local standards;

    ___ ___ monitoring of compliance with licensing and regulatory requirements;

    ___ ___ training and technical assistance;

    ___ ___ compensation for child care providers;

    ___ ___ other quality activities that increase parental choice, and improve the quality and availability of child care.

    5.6 Describe each activity that is checked "Yes" above and identify the entity(ies) providing them.

    5.7  Is any entity identified in sections 5.2 - 5.4 or 5.6 a non-governmental entity?
    ( ) No.
    ( ) Yes, the following entities named in this Part are non-governmental:

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    PART 6 - Health and Safety Requirements for Providers



    The National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care (NRCHSCC) of DHHH's Maternal and Child Health Bureau supports a comprehensive, current, on-line listing of the licensing and regulatory requirements for child care in the 50 States and the District of Columbia. In lieu of requiring a State Lead Agency to provide information that is already publicly available, ACF accepts this compilation as accurately reflecting the States' licensing requirements. The listing, which is maintained by the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center School of Nursing, is available on the World Wide Web at: 

    Section 6.1 - Health and Safety Requirements for Center-Based Providers
    (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))


    6.1.1 Are all center-based providers paid with CCDF funds subject to licensing under State law which is reflected in the NRCHSCC's compilation referenced above? If:

    - YES, check here and go to Section 6.2 .
    - NO, go to question 6.1.2

    6.1.2 For that center-based care which is NOT licensed, and therefore not reflected in NRCHSCC's compilation, the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:
    • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)

    • Building and physical premises safety

    • Health and safety training

     Section 6.2 - Health and Safety Requirements for Group Home Providers (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))

    6.2.1 Are all group home providers paid with CCDF funds subject to licensing under State law which is reflected in the NRCHSCC's compilation referenced above? If:

    - YES, check here and go to Section 6.3 .
    - NO, go to question 6.2.2

    6.2.2  For that group home care which is NOT licensed, and therefore not reflected in NRCHSCC's compilation, the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:
  • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)

  • Building and physical premises safety


    Health and safety training

    Section 6.3 - Health and Safety Requirements for Family Providers (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))

    6.3.1 Are all family home child care providers paid with CCDF funds subject to licensing under State law which is reflected in the NRCHSCC's compilation referenced above? If:

    - YES, check here and go to Section 6.4 .
    - NO, go to question 6.3.2

    6.3.2 For that family home care which is NOT licensed, and therefore not reflected in NRCHSCC's compilation, the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:
    • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)
    • Building and physical premises safety
    • Health and safety training

    Section 6.4 - Health and Safety Requirements for In-Home Providers (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))

    6.4.1 Are all in-home child care providers paid with CCDF funds subject to licensing under State law which is reflected in the NRCHSCC's compilation referenced above? If:

    - YES, check here and go to Section 6.5 .

    - NO, go to question 6.4.2

    6.4.2  For that in-home care which is NOT licensed, and therefore not reflected in NRCHSCC's compilation, the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:
    • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)
    • Building and physical premises safety
    • Health and safety training


     Section 6.5 - Exemptions to Health and Safety Requirements

    At State option, the following relatives: grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, or siblings who live in a separate residence from the child in care, may be exempted from health and safety requirements (658P(5)(B), §98.41(a)(1)(ii)(A)). Indicate the Lead Agency policy regarding these relative providers:

    ( ) All relative providers are subject to the same requirements as described in sections 6.1 - 6.4 above, as appropriate; there are no exemptions for relatives or different requirements for them.

    ( ) All relative providers are exempt from all health and safety requirements.

    ( ) Some or all relative providers are subject to different health and safety requirements from those described in sections 6.1 - 6.4. The following describes those different requirements and identifies which relatives they apply to:

    Section 6.6 - Enforcement of State Licensing Requirements

    The following is a description of how State licensing requirements are effectively enforced: (658E(c)(2)(E), §98.40(a)(2))

      Section 6.7 - Assurance Regarding Immunizations

    The State assures that children receiving services under the CCDF are age-appropriately immunized, and that the health and safety provisions regarding immunizations incorporate (by reference or otherwise) the latest recommendation for childhood immunizations of the State public health agency. (§98.41(a)(1))

    The State exempts the following children from immunization (check all that apply):

    ____ Children who are cared for by relatives (defined as grandparents, great grandparents, siblings (if living in a separate residence), aunts and uncles).

    ____ Children who receive care in their own homes.

    ____ Children whose parents object to immunization on religious grounds.

    ____ Children whose medical condition contraindicates immunization.

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    Section 7.1 - Health and Safety Requirements for Center-Based Providers in the Territories (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))

    For all center-based care the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:

    • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)
    • Building and physical premises safety
    • Health and safety training


    Section 7.2 - Health and Safety Requirements for Group Home Providers in the Territories (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))

    For all group home care the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:

    • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)
    • Building and physical premises safety
    • Health and safety training

    Section 7.3 - Health and Safety Requirements for Family Providers in the Territories (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))

    For all family child care the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:

    • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)
    • Building and physical premises safety
    • Health and safety training

    Section 7.4 - Health and Safety Requirements for In-Home Providers in the Territories (658E(c)(2)(F), §98.41(a), §98.16(j))

    For all in-home care the following health and safety requirements apply to child care services provided under the CCDF for:

    • The prevention and control of infectious disease (including immunizations)
    • Building and physical premises safety
    • Health and safety training

    Section 7.5 - Exemptions to Territorial Health and Safety Requirements

    At Lead Agency option, the following relatives: grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, or siblings who live in a separate residence from the child in care, may be exempted from health and safety requirements (658P(5)(B), 98.41(g)). Indicate the Lead Agency policy regarding these relative providers:

    ( ) All relative providers are subject to the same requirements as described in sections 7.1 - 7.4 above, as appropriate; there are no exemptions for relatives or different requirements for them.

    ( ) All relative providers are exempt from all health and safety requirements.

    ( ) Some or all relative providers are subject to different health and safety requirements from those described in sections 7.1 - 7.4 and the following describes those different requirements and which relatives they apply to):

    Section 7.6 - Enforcement of Licensing Requirements

    The following is a description of how the licensing requirements applicable to child care services provided in the territory are effectively enforced: (658E(c)(2)(E), §98.41(a)(2))


    Section 7.7 - Assurance Regarding Immunizations

    The Territory assures that children receiving services under the CCDF are age-appropriately immunized, and that the health and safety provisions regarding immunizations incorporate (by reference or otherwise) the latest recommendation for childhood immunizations of the State public health agency. (§98.41(a)(1))

    The Territory exempts the following children from immunization (check all that apply):

    ____ Children who are cared for by relatives (defined as grandparents, great grandparents, siblings (if living in a separate residence), aunts and uncles).

    ____ Children who receive care in their own homes.

    ____ Children whose parents object to immunization on religious grounds.

    ____ Children whose medical condition contraindicates immunization.
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    The Lead Agency, named in Part 1 of this Plan, assures that:

    1) upon approval, it will have in effect a program which complies with the provisions of the Plan printed herein, and is administered in accordance with the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 as amended, Section 418 of the Social Security Act, and all other applicable Federal laws and regulations. (658D(b), 658E(a))

    (2) the parent(s) of each eligible child within the State who receives or is offered child care services for which financial assistance is provided is given the option either to enroll such child with a child care provider that has a grant or contract for the provision of the service; or to receive a child care certificate. (658E(c)(2)(A)(i))

    (3) in cases in which the parent(s) elects to enroll the child with a provider that has a grant or contract with the Lead Agency, the child will be enrolled with the eligible provider selected by the parent to the maximum extent practicable. (658E(c)(2)(A)(ii))

    (4) the child care certificate offered to parents shall be of a value commensurate with the subsidy value of child care services provided under a grant or contract. (658E(c)(2)(A)(iii)

    (5) with respect to State and local regulatory requirements, health and safety requirements, payment rates, and registration requirements, State or local rules, procedures or other requirements promulgated for the purpose of the Child Care and Development Fund will not significantly restrict parental choice from among categories of care or types of providers. (658E(c)(2)(A), §98.15(p), §98.30(g), §98.40(b)(2), §98.41(b), §98.43(c), §98.45(d)).

    The Lead Agency also certifies that:

    (1) it has procedures in place to ensure that providers of child care services for which assistance is provided under the Child Care and Development Fund afford parents unlimited access to their children and to the providers caring for their children during the normal hours of operations and whenever such children are in the care of such providers. (658E(c)(2)(B))

    (2) it maintains a record of substantiated parental complaints and makes information regarding such complaints available to the public on request. (658E(c)(2)(C))

    (3) it will collect and disseminate to parents of eligible children and the general public, consumer education information that will promote informed child care choices. (658E(c)(2)(D))

    (4) it has in effect licensing requirements applicable to child care services provided in the State. (658E(c)(2)(E))

    (5) there are in effect within the State (or other area served by the Lead Agency), under State or local law, requirements designed to protect the health and safety of children; these requirements are applicable to child care providers that provide services for which assistance is made available under the Child Care and Development Fund. (658E(c)(2)(F))

    (6) procedures are in effect to ensure that child care providers that provide services for which assistance is provided under the Child Care and Development Fund comply with all applicable State or local health and safety requirements. (658E(c)(2)(G))

    (7) payment rates under the Child Care and Development Fund for the provision of child care services are sufficient to ensure equal access for eligible children to comparable child care services in the State or sub-State area that are provided to children whose parents are not eligible to receive assistance under this program or under any other Federal or State child care assistance programs. (658E(c)(4)(A))

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    For purposes of determining eligibility and priority for CCDF-funded child care services, lead agencies must define the following terms. (658P, 658E(c)(3)(B))

    (1) attending (a job training or educational program) -

    (2) in loco parentis -

    (3) job training and educational program -

    (4) physical or mental incapacity (if the Lead Agency provides such services to children age 13 and older.

    (5) protective services -

    (6) residing with -

    (7) special needs child -

    (8) working -

    (9) Additional terminology related to conditions of eligibility or priority established by the Lead Agency:

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    Index: ACYF-PI-CC-99-01 | Table of Contents | Plan Preprint | Guidance | Amendments Log | (Collection available in Word and PDF)
    Related Items: ACF Regional Administrators | FY 2002-2003 Plan Preprint and Program Instruction | FY 2000 Final Allocations and Earmarks for States / Territories | FY 2001 Final Allocations and Earmarks