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Friday, February 07, 2003

GAO Decides Not To Appeal Decision

The General Accounting Office announced that it would not appeal a Dec. 9, 2002, ruling that dismissed its lawsuit seeking records of Vice President Cheney’s energy task force.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Nursing Home Conditions in Los Angeles County

A report released by Rep. Waxman found that the vast majority of nursing homes in Los Angeles County continue to violate federal health standards.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

DOE Urged to Act on Lockheed Martin Paducah Plant Activities

Rep. Waxman urges Department of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham to recommend federal intervention in an action against government contractor Lockheed Martin for alleged illegal activities at a plant in Paducah, Kentucky that have resulted in a public health and environmental catastrophe.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Lobbyists Host Reception for Top Administration Telecommunications Official

Rep. Waxman asks the Commerce Department's Inspector General to investigate a private reception paid for by wireless industry lobbyists in honor of Assistant Secretary of Commerce Nancy Victory, the Administration's top official on telecommunications issues. Soon after the reception, Ms. Victory wrote to the FCC to urge the adoption of a position advocated by the wireless industry.

Friday, January 10, 2003

Concern Over Justice Department Takeover of Insurance Company

Rep. Waxman and other members have expressed concern about the Justice Department's failure to prosecute the French bank Credit Lyonnais for its fraudulent takeover of Executive Life Insurance Company in 1991.

Thursday, January 09, 2003

FERC Asked to Increase Refund of Energy Company Overcharges to California

Rep. Waxman joined with 32 California Democratic colleagues to ask the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to substantially increase the refund to California proposed by a FERC judge for energy company overcharges. The judge had found that California was due $1.8 billion in refunds, but owed energy suppliers $3 billion. Some energy companies have admitted that they manipulated energy markets during the 2000-2001 energy crisis, and evidence has consistently indicated that California consumers have been gouged tens of billions of dollars by the energy industry.

Friday, December 20, 2002

Pesticide Industry Attempts to Veto Speakers from EPA-Funded Conference

Rep. Waxman writes EPA Administrator Whitman about agency actions regarding three experts on children and pesticides who the pesticide industry requested be dropped from an educational conference for health professionals.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Public Health Information on Federal Websites

Rep. Waxman and other members have written to HHS Secretary Thompson to protest the alteration and removal of important public health information from federal websites concerning the use of condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and the alleged association between abortion and breast cancer. The Department of Health and Human Services removed scientific fact sheets from its websites earlier this year, and has now reposted significantly altered versions which distort and suppress scientific information for ideological purposes.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Gravel Mining Contributes to Local Air Pollution; Regulators Lack Data to Assess Risk

A report released by Reps. Waxman and Solis finds that gravel pit mining in the San Gabriel Valley of California contributes to air pollution in the local area, and that environmental regulators lack basic information about the magnitude of the environmental risk from the mining operations.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Midnight Trade Deal Ends Tariffs on U.S. Cigarettes Sold in Chile

Rep. Waxman and Rep. Doggett call for a full investigation into a midnight trade deal by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick that will phase out tariffs on U.S. cigarettes sold in Chile, an abandonment of the Administration’s previously stated position that cigarettes would not be included in the trade negotiations.

Monday, December 09, 2002

Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit

A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by the General Accounting Office in which it sought to obtain access to records of the White House energy task force chaired by Vice President Cheney.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

Using Human Testing Results to Determine Pesticide Toxicity

Rep. Waxman writes Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christine Whitman expressing his concern that, at the behest of the pesticide industry, the Administrator was allowing human testing results to be used in the determination of pesticide toxicity. Rep. Waxman’s letter requests that Administrator Whitman provide him with details on the use of these human testing results and the decision-making process that allowed their use.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Background Documents Relating to Census Seven-Member Litigation

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Further Correspondence on Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims

Continuing the Committee's investigation, Reps. Waxman and Burton have sent additional letters requesting information relevant to the resolution of insurance claims of Holocaust victims.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Questions on U.S. Government Objections to Soft Drink and Obesity Link

Rep. Waxman writes HHS Secretary Thompson to ask why the U.S. government is objecting to a draft report from the World Health Organization that calls for a reduction in soft drink consumption as part of a global strategy to fight obesity.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Special-Interest Provisions Buried in Homeland Security Bill

A new minority staff fact sheet summarizes the numerous special-interest provisions buried in the homeland security bill (H.R. 5710) that limit the liability of drug companies, airline carriers, airline security companies, and other manufacturers. Rep. Waxman writes OMB Director Daniels to inquire about the provisions that would change the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in a way that benefits manufacturers Eli Lilly and Dow Chemical, and to HHS Secretary Thompson to call his attention to the provisions that provide liability protection for makers of the smallpox vaccine, yet fail to provide appropriate compensation for those who may be injured by the vaccine.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Rep. Waxman's Floor Statement on the Homeland Security Bill

Speaking on the House floor, Rep. Waxman said that while it is clear that federal departments are not working together as they should to protect our nation, the Homeland Security Act of 2002 has serious flaws and may well cause more problems than it solves.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Reports on Nursing Home Conditions

Since November 1999, the Special Investigations Division has prepared reports for members on nursing home conditions in Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, and other areas. These reports have confirmed that many nursing homes violate federal health and safety standards and that these violations often involve the serious neglect and mistreatment of residents.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Majority of Texas Nursing Homes are Understaffed

A new report released by Rep. Ciro Rodriguez and Rep. Gene Green found that the vast majority of Texas nursing homes are understaffed and fail to comply with federal standards.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

FDA Takes Action Against Unsafe Colored Contact Lenses

In an advisory to U.S. consumers, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Lester M. Crawford warned of the dangers of unsupervised use of colored contact lenses and promised the agency would use "the full range of its statutory authorities" to assure that colored lenses are safe and dispensed only with a prescription. Rep. Waxman will continue to closely monitor FDA actions in this area.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Applying Energy Regulations to Texas

Rep. Waxman sent a letter to Energy and Commerce Chairman Billy Tauzin and Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Chairman Joe Barton regarding their insistence that new controversial electricity laws apply to each of the contiguous states but Texas.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Contradictions in EPA Statements on Hydraulic Fracturing

In an Oct. 1 letter to EPA Administrator Whitman, Rep. Waxman asked why technical data submitted to Congress was changed to minimize the risk that hydraulic fracturing, an oil and gas extraction technique promoted by Halliburton, would contaminate underground sources of drinking water. In a follow-up letter to Administrator Whitman, Rep. Waxman details contradictions in EPA statements on whether EPA changed its data on hydraulic fracturing in a way that benefits Halliburton.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Metabolife Records Show Company Knew of Adverse Health Effects

A report released by Sen. Durbin, Rep. Waxman, and Rep. Davis examines 13,000 adverse event reports received by Metabolife, the largest manufacturer of ephedra-containing dietary supplements. The records include nearly 2,000 reports of significant adverse reactions including deaths, heart attacks, and strokes

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Enforcement of FDA Ad Regulations Drops Precipitously

In a letter to HHS Secretary Thompson, Rep. Waxman reveals that FDA enforcement actions against drug manufacturers for false or misleading claims in drug advertisements have dropped by 70% under the Bush Administration.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Social Security and Working Families in Los Angeles County

A report released by Rep. Waxman analyzes the impact of federal deficits on the Social Security contributions of working families in Los Angeles County.

Displaying Items 1151 to 1175 of 1405:

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