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CASEMAKER is a legal research service that provides unlimited access at no charge to all active and inactive full service members of the HSBA. CASEMAKER has all states and federal libraries as well as a Hawaii library designed by HSBA.

CASEMAKER includes services that drive the legal research industry. By working closely with bar associations, CASEMAKER has taken the lead in creating tools which are fast, easy to use, and reliable.

CASEMAKER is available to members via the HSBA homepage . To access Casemaker from the home page, locate “Member Benefits” in the black bar at the top and click on CASEMAKER ACCESS in the dropdown listing. Click CASEMAKER ACCESS and you will have access to the login and password recovery options. DETAILED LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS.


Comprehensive, accurate, and timely Internet legal research is available to HSBA members along with free access to legal research materials needed to serve clients.

The CASEMAKER Web Library provides a comprehensive search engine system with many of the features that you have come to expect from online legal research.

  • Search Logic - You can connect key words and phrases using the CASEMAKER Web Library's search logic. This search logic allows you to narrow your search so that you get the results that most closely fit with the issue you are researching.
  • Natural Language - Simply type your question containing the key words into the basic search query box and the search engine will use its own intelligence to find the results that match the terms in your query.
  • Database Fields - Using the advanced search screen template, you can enter specific information into fields such as citation, date, attorney, and more. Utilizing the fields will allow you to find specific information very quickly.
  • CASEMAKER Requirements - The only requirement for access is that you are an active or inactive member of the HSBA and that you have a current email address on file with the HSBA. If you do not have an email on file with us, please provide an email address to lcastillo@hsba.org .

o NOTE: The HSBA does not provide your email address to ANY third party. Designating your email address as public makes the address part of your public record.

CASEMAKER Assistance

CASEMAKER support is managed by the HSBA using email. Please email any questions, comments or concerns to info@hsba.org   . Assistance in accessing CASEMAKER is available on the HSBA website.

Help Resources

Live CASEMAKER Training

CASEMAKER Training is a CL E program that is held several times per year but is also available to your Bar section or committee. Visit the HSBA website at www.hsba.org  for scheduled Casemaker events or contact the HSBA at info@hsba.org  for more information on scheduling this training for your group.

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