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LANDFIRE ›› Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.  Are LANDFIRE data products being updated?

Yes. The LANDFIRE team has developed an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) strategy to update data products as directed by the project's Executive Charter (see the Documents > Updated Products section of this website: "Business Case" and "Technical Plan"). An O&M program is vital to support the full spectrum of fire management and natural resource management programs with timely and quality updated products. The Refresh strategy was refined with input from Fire Program Analysis (FPA), Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS), National Interagency Fuels Coordination Group (NIFCG), National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) / Project Management Office (PMO), NWCG/NFAEB (National Fire and Aviation Executive Board), Fire Executive Council (FEC), and approved by the LANDFIRE Executive Oversight Committee (EOC).

The Updated Products pages of this website address the "Refresh" update — the first phase of the O&M strategy. When fully developed, the other elements of the program strategy, comprising the Biennial and Decadal updates, will be forthcoming on this website.

LANDFIRE Refresh & Rapid Refresh

The first product update strategy of the LANDFIRE O&M Program is known as "Refresh." This process is being conducted by the National Interagency Fuels Technology Team (NIFTT), the Forest Service Remote Sensing Application Center (RSAC), and the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center and is supported by interagency Fire Planning Unit (FPU) personnel and data. Refresh involves a systematic approach that follows standardized procedures and application of spatial tools. This approach involves a critique of existing LANDFIRE data products and an update process to be applied consistently across all areas. Refresh includes an initial sub-project, referred to as "Rapid Refresh" (RR), through which products will be updated according to recent wildland fire disturbances — see the Data Products section of this website for information on these updated products. The Refresh stage, on the other hand, will update vegetation landscape layers according to changes resulting from the range of disturbance processes. In addition, through the Refresh process, products will be updated to correct some mapping inaccuracies that were detected after the initial mapping effort as part of a long-term endeavor to continually improve LANDFIRE data. Refresh products will be incorporated into a new updated base map for the nation. These products will be served as separate layers along with the original layers on the National Map LANDFIRE

Visit the Documents > Updated Products section of this website for details on the Rapid Refresh & Refresh update processes.

Also visit the Schedule > Updated Products and How to Participate > Updating Products sections of this website for details on Refresh progress and participation opportunities.

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