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Fuel Loading Models

Product Description Fuel loading models characterize fuel conditions and may be used to simulate wildland fire effects using applications such as FOFEM (Reinhardt and others 1997) and CONSUME (Ottmar and others 1993). Fuel loading models contain representative loading for each fuel component (for example, woody and non-woody) for typical vegetation classification systems. They characterize fuel loading across all vegetation and ecological types. These fuel loading models are assigned to the LANDFIRE vegetation map unit classification systems. Geospatial representation of fire effects fuel models may be used to prioritize fuel treatment areas, evaluate fire hazard and potential status, and examine past, present, and future fuel loading characterizations.

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Ottmar, R. D.; M. F. Burns, J. N. Hall, and A. D. Hanson. 1993. CONSUME users guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-304. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Portland, OR. 17p.

Reinhardt, E. D.; R. E. Keane and J. K. Brown. 1997. First Order Fire Effects Model: FOFEM 4.0, user’s guide. General Technical Report INT-GTR-344. 65p.

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