Welcome to the homepage for Delaware Governor Jack Markell's "Honest Assessment" of state government. The assessment is a series of initiatives that will examine how the government spends taxpayer dollars, how to effectively measure agencies' performance, how to identify innovation and how to best meet the significant challenges facing Delaware.

 Governor's Briefing on the Budget Challenge Video: Governor's Briefing on the Budget Challenges
Streaming (recommended) | .wmv (Windows/142M) | .mov (Mac/83M)

 Governor's Briefing on the Budget Challenge View the PDF Presentation of the Budget Challenges
 Submit Your Cost Saving Suggestions Submit Your Cost Saving Suggestions
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"We are facing the largest budget shortfall in Delaware's history. There are no easy answers, but there are honest ones. We must be open about our challenges and honest about our efforts to solve them if we are going to tackle the budget crisis and get our economy moving again. We can and must take a systemic approach to making government more efficient, effective, responsive and responsible."

- Governor Jack Markell

Last Updated: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2009 13:47:08 EDT
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