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Science Question of the Week
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Science Question of the Week



This concludes the 7th year of these Earth Science-related questions. Unfortunately, it seems likely that new responsibilities will now prevent me from devoting the time necessary to ask and answer new questions. Thanks for tuning in now and then. - Dr. James Foster

NOTE: We are recruiting a new Q&A Guru so stayed tuned in the fall to see what new and exciting questions our resident experts can answer.

  1. Though we often gaze upon this familiar object, we never seem to see it do..what? (31 May 2002
  2. A few months back, in the dead of winter, a question was asked about the coldest temperatures on Earth. What is the highest temperature recorded on Earth, and what's a reasonable upper limit on the Earth's temperature? (24 May 2002)
  3. What are some of the unique characteristics, in terms of looking at the Earth, of supersonic versus subsonic commercial flights? (17 May 2002)

  4. Last Sunday, most of LaPlata, Maryland was leveled by a F5 tornado. Is the weather really getting more severe or was this storm just an aberration? (10 May 2002)
  5. On May 8, 1902, this natural disaster wiped out the town of St. Pierre and was perhaps the deadliest event in the Western Hemisphere during the past 100 years. What was it and where did it happen? (03 May 2002)
  6. The Middle Atlantic area has been in a prolonged drought for the last 10 months. Have weather systems been more feeble in recent months, or have storms simply been bypassing the Middle Atlantic states? (26 April 2002)
  7. Four of the five naked eye planets gather in the western sky soon after sundown now, and by months end all 5 will be visible. Is this a rare occurrence? Which of the planets are changing their position the most from one night to another, the ones higher in the sky or the ones nearest the horizon? (19 April 2002)
  8. This spring marks the 75th anniversary of what great natural disaster in the US, and why was the damage so severe in some locations? (05 April 2002)
  9. A chunk of Antarctica fell into the sea this week. What will this do to sea level, and can the collapse of this ice shelf be attributed to global warming? (29 March 2002)
  10. Both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have nearly the same amount of bright stars and both have bright constellations in the shape of a cross, but what does our hemisphere's night sky have that the Southern Hemisphere's doesn't? (22 March 2002)
  11. This agricultural product is being harvested now up north. What is it, and how does weather play a role in the harvest? (15 March 2002)
  12. What's the zodiacal light, and when is the best time to see it? (01 March 2002)
  13. If you know where to look, you can see these at 49 degrees north latitude, even in July - what are they? (22 February 2002)
  14. Which of the following February days are somehow related to Earth Science or Astronomy; Ground Hog's Day, Ash Wednesday, Valentine's Day, George Washington's Birthday, Leap Day? (15 February 2002)
  15. The Winter Olympics will soon begin in Utah. Why is Utah well suited, geographically, to host the Winter Olympics? (08 February 2002)
  16. What's the biggest single object we can see in our galaxy, with the unaided eye? (01 February 2002)
  17. If you're looking for the biggest surf, where would you want to go, and when would you want to be there? (25 January 2002)
  18. While were on the subject of temperature, what are the lowest temperatures ever recorded in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, and is it likely that new records will be set anytime soon? (18 January 2002)
  19. It's now light all day at the South Pole and over much of Antarctica, and it's dark all day at the North Pole. What time of day would you expect the maximum and minimum temperatures to occur in the Antarctic and the Arctic. (11 January 2002)
  20. Which rivers have the most impressive tidal bores? Do any US rivers have a noticeable bore? (21 December 2001)
  21. Friday, December 14, a partial eclipse of the Sun will be visible across much of North America. Is there a location somewhere on the globe where this eclipse will be a total solar eclipse? (14 December 2001)
  22. Next Friday (December 7) marks the 60th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. What role did the weather play in the attack? (07 December 2001)
  23. The Sun isn't visible north of the Arctic Circle during much of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. How about the Moon? (30 November 2001)
  24. It has been extremely dry across most of the eastern states for the past couple of months. What happened to the rain? (23 November 2001)
  25. The Leonids Meteor Shower may produce a storm of meteors before dawn on November 18. Where do you need to be if you want to have the best view? (16 November 2001)
  26. An observer on Earth and Jupiter, but not on Mars, can see this phenomenon. What is it, and why can't it be seen on Mars? (09 November 2001)
  27. For most places in the US, the latest sunset occurs in late June, the earliest sunrise occurs in mid June, and the earliest sunset occurs in early December. When does the latest sunrise occur?(02 November 2001)
  28. Since October 1, the number of occurrences of this meteorological phenomenon has set a record for the first half of October. What is this phenomenon, and why have there been so many this month? (26 October 2001)
  29. Sticking with the theme of star gazing, when is the best time (in terms of how clear the sky is likely to be) to look for the faintest celestial objects from your particular viewing area? Also, what's the farthest object most of us can see with the unaided eye? This question will be answered in 2 weeks. (19 October 2001)
  30. Approximately what percentage of the people in the US live in a place where light pollution prevents them from seeing the Milky Way? A. 25%, B. 45%, C. 65%, D. 85% (05 October 2001)
  31. Let's stay in the north country, but instead of lakes, this week's question has to do with rivers. Which characteristic of northern rivers is not likely to be observed in rivers in the mid latitudes or the tropics (it doesn't have to do with ice)? ( 28 September 2001)
  32. This endangered lake may be the most impressive inland body of water in the world. What's its name and why is it endangered? (21 September 2001)
  33. This was supposed to be a pretty big year for hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. Thus far, not one hurricane has formed. What happened? (14 September 2001)
  34. From about mid July until about mid September, which countries most often record the world's highest temperatures, and which countries most often record the lowest temperatures, excluding Antarctica? (07 September 2001)

Previous Years Questions:

[1995][1996] [1997]  [1998] [1999]  [2000]