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May 7, 2009

Secretary Chu: President's Energy Budget Creates Jobs, Restores America's Scientific Leadership and Puts Nation on the Path to Energy Independence

Washington D.C. --- U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today detailed President Barack Obama’s $26.4 billion Fiscal Year 2010 budget request for the Department of Energy, highlighting the Administration’s commitment to transformational discoveries, breakthrough science, and innovative technologies in the nation’s effort to secure reliable, clean, safe and secure energy, create new jobs and fight climate change.  While the budget makes important investments in energy independence and job creation, it also cuts back on programs that don’t work as well or are no longer needed.

“The President’s budget for energy reflects his commitment to ending our dependence on foreign oil, restoring our scientific leadership and putting Americans back to work through investments in a new green energy economy,” Secretary Chu said. “It also demonstrates his commitment to using taxpayer dollars wisely – cutting spending on programs we don’t need so we can make strategic investments in our economic future.”

The President’s FY10 budget complements $38.7 billion the Department of Energy will invest as part of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  Specifically, the President’s FY10 budget:

  • Cuts funding for programs that aren’t needed or aren’t as effective as other investments – like more than $200 million in oil and gas company research that the companies can and do fund on their own.
  • Substantially expands the use of clean, renewable energy sources while improving energy transmission infrastructure.
  • Supports the Administration’s goal to develop a smart, strong and secure electricity grid.
  • Helps restore America’s leadership in scientific research and innovation – including transformative science that can lead to a new generation of clean energy jobs.
  • Makes significant investments in low-emissions plug-in and hybrid vehicles, nuclear energy, and clean coal technologies, as part of the Obama Administration’s aggressive effort to reduce greenhouse gas production.
  • Supports the ongoing security of our weapons stockpile, continued efforts at nuclear non-proliferation and ongoing environmental cleanup and legacy management as part of the Department’s long-term stewardship responsibilities.

For more information about the Administration’s fiscal year 2010 budget proposal for the Department of Energy, please visit the Budget and Performance page.

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(202) 586-4940

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