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Updated 12 October, 2003

US National Assessment
of the Potential Consequences
of Climate Variability and Change
Regional Assessment Timeline

Example based on a region beginning in 1997
Date Event
  • Regional workshop to scope out key issues and concerns of regional stakeholders (annual meeting in Aspen in August).
  • Analytical phase, applying models to selected issues; stakeholder involvement continues (annual meeting in Monterey in July).
April 10-12, 1999
  • Meeting of regions, sectors and Synthesis Team in Atlanta.
September 1999
  • Technical review of available regional reports.
December 1999
  • Available volumes go to the printer.
January 2000
  • First regional reports become available; others appear throughout the year.
January 2001
  • Proposed executive summary of regional assessments or special volume of a journal.

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