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Apply for an Academy Nomination

The Academies

There are five service academies in the United States which offer young men and women a free college education at highly-ranked, nationally-recognized academies, while preparing them for an officer's commission in the armed forces. The Air Force Academy, the Merchant Marine Academy, the Military Academy at West Point, and the Naval Academy all require a nomination from an authorized nominating source. The Coast Guard Academy is the only one of the armed forces service academies that offers appointments on the basis of an annual nationwide competition; there are no Congressional nominations.

Service Academy Nominations: Basic Facts

Acceptance at an Academy involves a five year active duty commitment. If you do not graduate, different consequences will apply, depending upon the conditions of your resignation or removal, and when either occurs.

Competition for appointments in the Fifth District is very keen. Therefore, you are encouraged to start the application process during the late spring of your junior year by contacting Congressman Hoyer's Office and by applying through all available sources. These include United States Senators Mikulski and Cardin, the Vice President and through the Branch of Service, if you are the child of a deceased or disabled veteran.

  • Must be at least 17 years of age, but not yet 23 years of age.
  • A citizen of the United States.
  • Unmarried, no legal obligation to support a child or dependent.
  • A Legal resident of the Fifth Congressional District.
Basis for the nomination
  • Candidate's school record--grade point average and class rank. The average competitive candidate is in the upper fifth of his/her class.
  • Extra-curricular activities--athletics, community service, and school organizations.
  • SAT scores--A competitive candidate must score above 560 on verbal, 600 on math, and 560 on the essay section. You are encouraged to retake the SAT if your scores are not at this level.
  • Motivation.
  • Interview with Congressman Hoyer's Service Academy Selection Board, which are held during the month of November and eligible candidates will be notified of the date in October.
  • You must also complete the appropriate application process with each academy of interest to you.
Applying to a Service Academy

Congressman Hoyer's office is currently accepting applications for anyone interested in entering a U.S. Service Academy in the summer of 2009.

Online application is available here

Completed applications should be submitted to Congressman Hoyer's Greenbelt District Office:

Attn: Ms. Betty Rogers
6500 Cherrywood Lane, Suite 310
Greenbelt, Maryland 20770

All applications must be postmarked by October 15, 2009. Your file will be reviewed and you will be advised in late October of the scheduled time of your interview. Interviews, required of all applicants, will be conducted in November. Any questions should be addressed to Ms. Betty Rogers at (301) 474-0119.

If you apply using the web application, please take note that your SAT scores must be included in your packet when submitted, along with all other documents and information requested. You may also request an application by writing to the Greenbelt District Office address listed above.

Congressman Hoyer's Annual United States Service Academy Open House

Each April, Congressman Hoyer hosts an Annual Service Academy Open House. Please call in February to learn the exact date. This informative session provides all students interested in pursuing a nomination to one of the four service academies with the proper orientation and guidance necessary to begin the nomination process with Congressman Hoyer's office. Members of Congressman Hoyer's staff and Service Academy Selection Board will be there to discuss the application process and answer questions.  Representatives from each service academy are on hand to provide information regarding the application process for each academy.

This year's U.S. Acadamy open house will be on Monday, April 20, 2009 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Show Place Arena, at 149000 Pennsylvania Avenue in Upper Marlboro, MD.

For More Information

For more detailed information regarding the programs offered by each of the academies, you are encouraged to follow the links below. Each service academy has its own web site.

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