March 30, 2009


Gerald L. Talbot Jr.

Assistant Deputy Administrator for

Nuclear Safety and Operations National Nuclear Security Administration

1000 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20585-0701


Dear Mr. Talbot:

Pursuant to the certification mandate provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board's (Board) staff responsible for certification activities has reviewed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) design data provided to date by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The Board's staff is focusing its review on topics previously raised regarding the CMRR nuclear safety design strategy, the Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis, and design of safety-class and safety-significant systems. Those topics were provided electronically to NNSA on November 20, 2008. The Board's staff as documented specific technical issues on a Findings Form. For purposes of the certification review, the Board's staff considers a Finding a design topic related to a concern raised by the Board's staff regarding the CMRR design that has not been adequately resolved and that could preclude Board certification.


Enclosed is a Findings Form with respect to the issue of System Design Descriptions Do Not Incorporate Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis Requirements Adequately. We ask that you reply within seven calendar days from the date of Board's staff signature on the attached Findings Form, informing the Board's staff how long it will take to provide a complete NNSA response. The NNSA response should contain sufficient quantity and quality of technical information necessary for the Board's staff to determine whether the Finding can be resolved. The Findings Form contains a signature block for the NNSA individual with the authority and responsibility for addressing the Finding. Please ensure that this individual signs and dates the returned Findings Form.




Roy E. Kasdorf

Nuclear Facility Design and

Infrastructure Group Lead




c: Mr. Mike Thompson

Mr. James McConnell

Mr. Patrick Rhoads

Mr. Herman LeDoux

Mr. Mark B. Whitaker Jr.