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Current Issues

  • Swine Flu Information

    Please check links below for information on the Swine Flu virus.
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  • FY2010 Appropriations Requests

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  • Details of the Economic Recovery Package

    Just over three weeks since the Inauguration of President Obama, Congress will consider the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, to save and create jobs, get our economy moving again, and transform it for long-term growth and stability. The landmark legislation is the first dramatic new investment in the future since the creation of the interstate highway system a half century ago.
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  • Check Peanut Related FDA Recalls

    Check the FDA database to make sure the products in your cabinets are safe to eat.
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  • Were you denied entrance to the Inauguration?

    The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, chaired by Senator Dianne Feinstein, will have packets of the 56th Inaugural commemorative programs, invitations, photos of the President and Vice President and a full color print of the Ceremony for people that were denied entrance.
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  • Resources to Help Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure

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  • WHTI Information

    TRAVELERS REMINDED OF NEW DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS BEGINNING JANUARY 31, 2008 Documents proving citizenship and identity will be required when entering the United States through land and sea ports of entry.
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  • Minimum Wage

    Minimum wage workers received their first pay raise in a decade on July 24. After the House of Representatives voted on May 24 to approve legislation to increase the national minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour, President Bush signed the measure into law on May 25 as part of an emergency supplemental appropriations bill (H.R. 2206). The first phase of the law went into effect on July 24, when the minimum wage increased to $5.85 an hour.
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