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Technical Service Center

Land Suitability and Water Quality Studies

John Osterberg, <JOsterberg@usbr.gov>, 303-445-2462
Del Smith, <DMSmith@usbr.gov>, 303-445-2516

Since the dissolution of the TSC's Land Suitability and Water Quality Studies Group in 2006, these studies are carried out from two other groups:  Water Resources Planning and Operations Support (86-68210) and Environmental Applications and Research (86-68220).

The soil scientists, hydrologists, physical scientists, engineers, and technicians of these groups can assist in studies and other activities pertaining to:

Also see our Drainage Manual (PDF 50 mbg) and Groundwater Manual (pdf 17 mb).

Canal Seepage Testing and Analysis Contact:  Del Smith Our experienced personnel are available to assess your canal seepage problems, conduct field tests, and advise you on the merits of lining or piping canals and laterals. We will help you to balance economic, water supply, contractual, and environmental considerations.
General Land Use and Water Quality Investigations
Contacts:  Jim Yahnke

Land use and recreation planning. Revegetation and land reclamation projects. Environmental impact analysis for soils, agricultural lands, surface water, and ground water. Specialized investigations of soil, land, water and biological interactions.

Hazardous Waste Site Characterization
Contacts:  Roger Burnett  

Sampling and data analysis plan development. Soil and water field sampling and impacts determinations. Data analysis for both site characterization and remediation plan formulation. Fate and transport of toxic constituents. Re-vegetation and quality assurance plan development.


  • Krejci Dump Site, Ohio (Work was conducted for the National Park Service.  The Technical Service Center provided personnel to collect and analyze water samples and act as a site safety officer. )
Land Drainage Investigations and Drainage System Design
Contacts:  Roger Burnett
Experienced staff and equipment are available to conduct field data collection, provide drainage requirement analysis and develop economical drainage system designs. All drain designs are approved by registered professional engineers. Staff are available to provide technical assistance and oversight for construction and operation and maintenance.
Regulatory Compliance
Craig Albertsen

National Environmental Policy Act:

Clean Water Act:

  • Categorical exclusions
  • Environmental assessments
  • Environmental impact statements
  • Water quality standards
  • Aquatic life criteria
  • 404 & NPDES permitting
  • 319 non-point goals
Endangered Species Act: Safe Drinking Water Act:
  • Water quality issues
  • Resource management
  • Drinking water standards
  • Human contact criteria

Soil and Sediment Laboratory Testing
Contact:  Juli Fahy

Chemical and physical properties. Leachate tests. Particle sizing and counting. Analysis for trace elements.
Water Quality Modeling
Contact:  Merlynn Bender

Flow, temperature, chemical characterization, and aqueous contaminant transport. Streams, rivers, lake systems, ground water, reservoirs, and watershed interactions. Recent application of BETTER, QUAL2E, WASP, MINTEQ, and WetScape models.


Water Quality Assessments, General
Contacts:  Jim Yahnke
  • Water quality data collection, summarization and analysis.
  • Municipal, irrigation, and wildlife use suitability investigations.
  • Water resources management and conservation.
  • Water quality impacts of conservation activities.
  • Water pollution control and prevention "Best Management Practices".
  • Conjunctive use of surface and ground waters.