Jun 26, 2010

Arizona Democrats Scared of Immigration Lawsuit?

Dick Morris on why some Democrats have urged the Obama administration to back off a court battle over the controversial illegal immigration law


June 28, 2010

More information on Senator Byrd replacement

See below the note from my FNC colleague Trish Turner.  Apparently the replacement process for Senator Byrd's seat is not as clear as I blogged earlier: ------ Subject: Urgent- Byrd replacement murky Per Turner- Confirming what many of us already know from dealing w/ WVA's election law -- the replacement process for Byrd is pretty darn murky. The letter of [...]

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This Week's OTR Case Update


Peru Judge Rules Van Der Sloot Murder Confession Is Valid

A Peruvian judge denied a defense motion to void the confession of Joran van der Sloot in the murder of a 21-year-old Lima student because the attorney representing him at the time was state-appointed.

Superior Court Judge Wilder Casique rejected the habeus corpus motion on behalf of Van der Sloot, who is jailed pending trial on charges of first-degree murder and robbery in the May 30 death in his hotel room of Stephany Flores, whom he met playing poker in a casino.

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