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Policies reflect the Commissioner's leadership philosophy and principles and defines the general framework in which Reclamation pursues its mission.  Policy is structured to encourage innovation to accomplish implementation at the local level. Policies are signed by the Commissioner.



Comprehensive ACM Acquisition and Financial Assistance
ENV Environmental Management ADM Administrative Management
FAC Project Planning and Facility Operations, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation BGT Budget Management
LND Land Management and Development CRM Civil Rights Management
LON Loans, Grants, Rehabilitation and Betterment, and Distribution FIN Financial Management
NIA National and International Affairs HRM Human Resources Management
PEC Program Economics, Revenues, and Contracts IRM Information Resources Management
RES Research, Testing, and Technical PRM Property Management
SLE Security and Law Enforcement RCD Records Management
WTR Water Management and Development SAF Safety Management


Program Series




CMP P01 Floodplain Management 09/01/1995
CMP P02 Reclamation Internet Use 02/18/1999
CMP P03 Public Involvement in Reclamation Activities 01/11/2000
CMP P04 Geographically Defined Program (GDP) 06/02/2000
CMP P05 Reclamation Value Program 10/24/2008 (minor rev)
CMP P08 Communication and Collaboration with Customers and Stakeholders Related to the Bureau of Reclamation's Mission 12/22/2008
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ENV P01 Hazardous Waste and Materials Management 09/04/1996
ENV P02 Pest Management 12/23/1996
ENV P03 National Environmental Policy Act 02/10/1998
ENV P04 Reclamation Consultation, Conservation, and Recovery Activities Under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as Amended 01/10/2003
ENV P05 Environmental Management Systems 08/13/2008
FAC P01 Emergency Management 04/11/1996
FAC P02 Decisions Related to Dam Safety Issues 02/13/2004
FAC P03 Performing Design and Construction Activities 02/11/2000
FAC P04 Hydroelectric Power 07/23/2004
FAC P09 Cost Estimating 10/30/2007
FAC P10 Independent Oversight of Design, Cost Estimating, and Construction 11/16/2007
LND P01 Cultural Resources Management 03/13/1998
LND P02 Concessions Management 03/04/2002
LND P03 Wetlands Mitigation and Enhancement 05/15/1998
LND P04 Recreation Management 04/27/2009
LND P05 Museum Property Management 02/11/2008
LND P13 Visitor Centers 08/27/2007
NIA P01 Reclamation Policy on International Affairs 08/21/1995
PEC P01 Final Cost Allocation 03/07/2006 (minor rev)
PEC P02 Acreage Limitation Program 01/18/2006 (minor rev)
PEC P03 Application of Incidental Revenue credits to Reimbursable Safety of Dams (SOD) Construction Obligations 09/01/2004
PEC P04 Deferment Contracts - Delegation of Authority 02/16/2006
PEC P05 Water-Related Contract and Repayment Principles and Requirements 09/11/2006
PEC P06 Bases of Negotiation (BONs) for New and Amendatory Water Service, Repayment, and Related Contracts 10/03/2006
PEC P07 Allocation of Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Costs 12/22/2008
PEC P10 Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles 06/01/2007 (minor rev)
WTR P01 Collection of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs Associated With the Administration of Water-Related Contracting Activities 05/19/2000
WTR P02 Voluntary Transfers of Project Water 01/10/2001
WTR P03 Prohibition on Future Contracts for the Sale of Use of Project Water or Surplus Project Water Pursuant to the Warren Act of 1911 01/10/2001
WTR P04 Use of Excess Capacity in Reclamation Projects for the Impoundment, Storage, and Carriage of Non-Project Water 01/10/2001
WTR P05 Working With Water and/or Power Contractors During Formulation of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Program, and Providing Quality Service to Contractors During Current Year O&M Program Activities 05/24/2004 (minor rev)
WTR P06 Determination of Irrigation Suitability of Proposed Project Lands, and Identification of Lands That May Receive Project Irrigation Water on Operating Projects 01/29/2004
WTR P07 Court Confirmation of Contract

(minor rev)

WTR P08 Periodic Review of Water Deliveries with Respect to Contract Terms 05/09/2005
WTR P09 Reuse of Project Water 01/20/2006
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Administrative Series

ACM P01 Acquisition Roles and Responsibilities and Acquisition and Assistance Management Reviews 08/01/2005
ADM P01 Overall Administrative Management Policy 10/04/1995
ADM P05 Visual Identity 07/28/2005
BGT P01 The Bureau of Reclamation's Commitment to Budget and Performance Integration and Performance Improvement (BPI/PI) 08/18/2008
HRM P01 Wellness and Employee Assistance Programs 12/22/1998
HRM P02 Alternative Work Schedules (AWS) 12/19/2005
HRM P03 Performing Work in Support of Disaster Operations 02/27/2001
HRM P04 Federal Career Intern Program 12/20/2005
HRM P06 Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities 10/03/2003
HRM P07 Payment for Professional Credentials 07/22/2004
IRM P01 Reclamation Information Technology Security Program 12/19/2000
IRM P03 Reclamation Information Technology Management Program 06/30/2005

Bureau of Reclamation’s Directives System (the Reclamation Manual (RM))

Appendix A - Commissioner’s Redelegation of Authority for Reclamation Manual Releases


SAF P01 Occupational Safety and Health Program Policy 10/04/1995
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Last Updated: Thursday, May 7, 2009 4:01 PM