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The National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory was established in 1992. In 2004 the center was designated by the Secretary of Energy as the Leadership Computing Facility for the nation, designed to provide unclassified research a resource 100 times more powerful than current capabilities.

The facility gives researchers an unparalleled environment in which to make new discoveries that will dramatically impact the nation’s ability to produce a secure energy economy and increase mankind’s understanding of our world. As a designated User Facility, the NCCS will

  • Deliver leadership-class computing for science and engineering

  • Focus on grand-challenge science and engineering applications

  • Procure largest-scale computer systems (beyond vendor design point) and develop high-end operational and application software

  • Educate and train the next generation of computational scientists

The computing resources of the NCCS are among the fastest in the world. Investigations on these resources by researchers nationwide range from materials science to astrophysics, combustion to fusion simulations, and beyond.

Last modified on March 1st, 2012 at 10:28 am