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 New Source Review

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) initially adopted its New Source Review (NSR) program in October, 1976.   The current NSR regulation is codified by SCAQMD Regulation XIII - New Source Review.  NSR is a preconstruction review required under both federal and state statutes for new and modified sources located in areas that do not meet the Clean Air Act standards for healthy air ("non-attainment" areas).  NSR applies to both individual permits and entire facilities.  Any permit that has a net increase in emissions is required to apply Best Available Control Technology (equivalent to federal Lowest Achievable Emission Rate).  Facilities with a net increase in emissions are required to offset the emission increase by use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs).  The regulation provides for the application, eligibility, registration, use and transfer of ERCs.  For low emitting facilities, the SCAQMD maintains an internal bank that can be used to provide the required offsets.  In addition, certain facilities are subject to provisions that require public notice and modeling analysis to determine the downwind impact prior to permit issuance.

The following links are related to the current status of the NSR program, as well as working groups and relevant announcements:

This page updated: January 14, 2009