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Students, Teachers, and Parents

Placement of a link on this page does not constitute an endorsement, warranty or guarantee by the SCAQMD. The SCAQMD is not responsible for the content found on these web sites.

Got Homework?

Got homework about air pollution and its health effects?
 We've got answers!

  • Health Effects of Air Pollution
  • History of Air Pollution Control in Southern California
  • Historical air quality levels - Is smog getting better or worse?  Find out by checking  in Southern California
  • Kids Page - AQMD Activities and Experiments (for sixth graders)
  • Introducing the AQMD - What is the AQMD? Why is it here and what does it do.
  • AQMD News - What has the AQMD done lately to fight smog?  AQMD Newsletter.
  • TheKnowZone - Stuff for kids, students, and teachers. California Air Resources Board (CARB).
  • Air Quality Index - FOR KIDS! - EPA web page
  • EPA web pages
    • Kids (Ages 4-10, Pre-K through 4th grade)
       Kids Club - Projects, Games, Art and Helpful Tips
    • Students (Grades 5-8)
      Student Center - Environmental Concepts, Activities and Tips
    • High School (Grades 9-12)
       High School Environmental Center
    • Teachers (for classroom and non-traditional educators)
       Environmental Education Center - Basic Environmental Concepts and Teaching Aids
    • Office of Environmental Education
      Grants, training, fellowships, and the President's Environmental Youth Awards
    • Researchers
      Technical Documents, Research Funding and More

Environmental Web Sites for Students and Teachers

Federal government agencies

State and regional government agencies

Other organizations and media

Air Pollution, Asthma and Children's Health

US Environmental Protection Agency

California Air Resources Board

Other Health Organizations

Asthma and Allergy Information

If you should find an non-working link or a web site that you think should be added, let me know - J. Ospital, Health Effects Officer.