Grizzly Bear Photo of Wildlife

The grizzly is a symbol of American wilderness. Lewis and Clark found a healthy grizzly population in Idaho's Bitterroot Mountains in the early 19th century. As the nation expanded westward, grizzly numbers plummeted due to unchecked hunting and trapping. The grizzly is now threatened in the lower 48 states.

Support NWF's conservation efforts by symbolically adopting a Grizzly Bear today.

Featured Activity - You can do this

Grizzly bear and cub

To see a Yellowstone grizzly is a life-changing experience.
Take a virtual tour of this breathtaking ecosystem and find out how you can help expand its borders to help even more wildlife, and particularly, the Yellowstone grizzlies.
Can you do this?

Global warming is the greatest threat to wildlife
Demand strong climate legislation.

Endangered Species Act
This Act has helped the grizzly recover in Yellowstone and continues to protect it elsewhere. But we must defend this Act to have more successes like this.

Public Lands
Grizzly bears need healthy habitat in order to thrive. We must stand up for these wild places today.

Salmon and Global Warming
Salmon are a vital food for many grizzly bears and they are facing a huge threat from global warming.

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