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Technology Committee Meeting

November 21, 2008 - 12:00 p.m.

AQMD Headquarters - Conference Room CC8
21865 Copley Dr., Diamond Bar CA

The public may participate at any location

Videoconference Locations

20 Civic Center Plaza
8th Floor
Santa Ana, CA 92701

73-710 Fred Waring Drive
Suite 222
Palm Desert, CA 92260
333 W. Ocean Blvd.
14th Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802



Approve Grants for New School Buses and Retrofits, Issue Program Announcement for Replacement and Retrofit of School Buses and Amend a SOON Contract
At its July 11, 2008 meeting, the Board authorized issuance of a Program Announcement with $67.4 million in Proposition 1B funds to replace pre-1987 school buses with new alternative fuel school buses and to retrofit school buses with Level 3 PM traps.  The first two actions are to replace 299 pre-1987 school buses with new buses in an amount not to exceed $41,580,000 from Proposition 1B funds and $5,501,000 from AB 923 funds and to retrofit 613 buses with PM traps in an amount not to exceed $9,664,500 from Proposition 1B funds.  The third action is to also issue a new program announcement soliciting applications for the replacement or retrofit of school buses with the remaining $16.1 million in Proposition 1B funds.  The final requested action is to amend a contract under the SOON Provision with the addition of $94,073 from the Carl Moyer Program Fund SB 1107 Account.

Ranji George
Program Supervisor

Execute Contract for Battery Electric Transit Bus Demonstration Project
In June 2008, the Board approved execution of a contract with ISE for a 300-mile range battery electric transit bus demonstration project.  At the time of award, it was anticipated that battery technology would progress farther than has occurred.  As a result, the range of the bus will be lower than 300 miles, and will be determined based on the best currently available battery technology, the cost of the batteries, and the overall weight of the battery pack.  This action is to execute a contract with ISE Corporation at no additional cost from the original award.  Funding for this project was approved in June 2008 from the Clean Fuels Fund at a cost not to exceed $290,000.

Patricia Kwon
Air Quality Specialist

Execute Contract to Install New CNG Fueling Infrastructure and Garage Upgrades
In July 2008, the Board awarded Rim of the World Unified School District (RoWUSD) an $845,000 grant to replace five pre-1977 diesel school buses with five new CNG buses and $70,000 for CNG fueling infrastructure and garage upgrades.  Based on a site visit and a review of the facility by AQMD staff and a CNG consultant, the cost of fueling infrastructure and garage upgrades is estimated at $425,000.  This action is to execute a contract with RoWUSD to install the needed fueling infrastructure and garage upgrades at a cost not to exceed $257,000 from the Clean Fuels Fund. In a separate Board action on this agenda, staff is also proposing to fund seven new CNG buses and $98,000 for CNG fueling infrastructure.  This fueling infrastructure will accommodate all twelve CNG buses that will be funded by the AQMD.

Larry Watkins
Program Supervisor

California Fuel Cell Partnership Steering Team Report and Quarterly Activity Report
This report summarizes the California Fuel Cell Partnership Steering Team meeting held October 21-22, 2008 and provides an activity report for the period beginning July 2008.

Lisa Mirisola
Program Supervisor

Issue RFP to Implement Phase II HEROS Program
Under Phase I of the HEROS Program, potential high emitting vehicles were identified through remote sensing at freeway on-ramps. Owners of potential high emitters, meeting specific eligibility requirements, were invited to participate in this voluntary incentive program for vehicle repair or scrap. While the technical approach to identify, test, and repair or scrap high emitters was proven in Phase I, there was a low participation rate due to the voluntary nature of the program.  As such, the goal in the proposed Phase II of the program is to achieve a higher participation rate. To achieve this, staff is proposing that pre-qualified participants would bring their vehicles to weekend events at which vehicles would be pre-screened for high emissions. This action is to approve issuance of an RFP to solicit bids from qualified vendors to develop and implement the proposed Phase II of the HEROS program at a cost not to exceed $1,600,000 from the AB 923 Fund.

Lori Berard
Air Quality Specialist

Air Car Update
At the November Governing Board Meeting, staff presented a brief summary of the air car technology. The Board raised technical questions and directed staff to investigate possible partnership opportunities. Staff will present an update on these activities.
(no written material, presentation only)

Matt Miyasato
Assistant Deputy Executive Officer

Honda's Perspective on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Honda was invited to provide their view on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
(no written material, presentation only)

Robert Bienenfeld Senior Manager of Environment and Energy Strategy, Honda

Next Meeting:  January 23, 2009 - 12:00 p.m.

Other Business
Any member of the Technology Committee, or its staff, on his or her own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, may ask a question for clarification, may make a brief announcement or report on his or her own activities, provide a reference to staff regarding factual information, request staff to report back at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or may take action to direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.   (Govt Code Section 54954.2)

Public Comment Period
Members of the public may address the Technology Committee concerning any agenda item before or during consideration of that item (Govt. Code Section 54954.3(a)). All agendas for regular meetings are posted at District Headquarters, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, California, at least 72 hours in advance of a regular meeting. At the end of the regular meeting agenda, an opportunity is also provided for the public to speak on any subject within the Technology Committee authority. Speakers may be limited to three (3) minutes each.

Document Availability:
All documents (i) constituting non-exempt public records, (ii) relating to an item on an agenda for a regular meeting, and (iii) having been distributed to at least a majority of the Committee after the agenda is posted, are available prior to the meeting for public review at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Public Information Center, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765.

Americans with Disabilities Act
The agenda and documents in the agenda packet will be made available, upon request, in appropriate alternative formats to assist persons with a disability (Gov’t Code Section 54954.2(a)). Disability-related accommodations will also be made available to allow participation in the Technology Committee meeting. Any accommodations must be requested as soon as practicable. Requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Please contact Donna Vernon at (909) 396-3097 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, or send the request to

For further information, please contact:  Donna Vernon, (909) 396-3097


This page updated: November 19, 2008