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Michael A. Cacciotti
Cities of Los Angeles County/Eastern Region

On February 1, 2008, South Pasadena Councilmember Michael Cacciotti became the AQMD Governing Board representative for the newly configured 34-city L.A. County Eastern Region, as called for under SB 886 (Negrete-McLeod).

Councilmember Cacciotti was elected to the South Pasadena City Council in 2001 and was re-elected in 2005. He was chosen by his fellow council members to serve as Mayor in 2003-2004 and 2007-2008. He served as Mayor Pro Tem in 2006-2007.

Over the past few years, Councilmember Cacciotti has been actively involved in raising awareness of environmental issues. In 2006, South Pasadena won a Clean Air Award from AQMD in the category of Model Community Achievement. He instituted AQMD Electric Lawn Mower Exchange and Leaf Blower Exchange programs in the city. In addition, he was responsible for the city’s adoption of a low-emission vehicle (LEV) purchase policy, which was subsequently adopted by the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments.

He currently serves as liaison to the city Library Board of Trustees and is a member of the Ad Hoc Arroyo Seco Golf Course and Racquet Centre Lease Committee. Since 2002, he has been liaison (and Chair since 2003) of the Design Advisory Group, a committee overseeing interim traffic improvements in lieu of the 710 surface freeway. As mayor, he is the city’s representative to the LA County Sanitation Board, District 16. He also represents the city on the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. He is the alternate on the Gold Line Phase II Joint Powers Authority Board. In the recent past, he served on a council subcommittee to limit legal expenditures and chaired a committee that reviewed the San Pasqual Stables lease. In 2006 and 2007, he visited China as part of trips for elected officials and established relationships between South Pasadena and several Chinese cities.

Councilmember Cacciotti is a deputy attorney general with the State of California Department of Justice. Previously, he was a deputy state attorney with the California Department of Transportation, and prior to that he served as an attorney for the speaker pro tem of the California State Assembly. Councilmember Cacciotti taught high school in Miami, Florida, before becoming an attorney. He possesses a United States Soccer Federation National “B” license and has been active as a soccer coach at the youth, high school, and college levels for more than 30 years.