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Test Protocols and Technical Guidance Documents

These documents can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link below.

DISCLAIMER:  These documents may involve the use of hazardous materials, operations, and equipment.  They do not address safety problems associated with their use.  The user of these protocols has the responsibility to know, consult, establish, and follow appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.  The mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the SCAQMD.


Test Protocols
Rule 1110.2  NOx, CO, and VOC Testing for Stationary Internal Combustion Engines (PDF 105 kb)
Rule 1111 NOx Compliance Testing for Natural Gas-Fired Central Furnaces (PDF 574 kb)
Rule 1121/1146.2 NOx Compliance Testing for Water Heaters & Small Boilers (PDF 1.1 mb)
Rule 1138 Determination of PM and ROG Emissions from Restaurant Operations (PDF 73 kb)
Protocol for the Measurement of NOx, CO, and O2 from Sources Subject to Rules 1146 and 1146.1 (PDF 102 kb)

Rule 1174 Ignition Method Compliance Certification Protocol (PDF 1.3 mb)

Protocol for Determination of VOC Capture Efficiency (PDF 138 kb)
EPA Guideline for Determination of VOC Capture Efficiency (PDF 45 kb)

RECLAIM Large Source Protocol - Testing of Boilers Subject to a NOx Conc. Limit (PDF 158 kb)

RECLAIM Large Source Protocol - Testing of Furnaces Subject to a NOx Conc. Limit (PDF 159 kb)

RECLAIM Large Source Protocol - Testing of Heaters Subject to a NOx Conc. Limit (PDF 159 kb)

RECLAIM Large Source Protocol - Testing of ICEs Subject to a NOx Conc. Limit (PDF 159 kb)


Technical Guidance Documents (TGD)
TGD R-002 Quality Assurance Requirements for CEMS Modifications (PDF 49 kb)
TGD R-003 CEMS Testing Requirements for Analyzer Span Range Modification  (PDF 7 kb)
TGD R-004 Relative Accuracy Test Audit Outliers (PDF 711 kb)
TGD R-006 Mass Emissions RATA for Non-Concurrent Conc. & Flow Measurements (PDF 85 kb)

This page updated: March 26, 2009