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Compliance Training Class:
Combustion Gas Portable Analyzer
Training & Certification


South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Rule 1110.2 (f)(1)(G) requires the portable analyzer engine tests required by the Inspection and Monitoring Plan (I&M) requirements of subparagraph (f)(1)(D) be conducted by a person who has completed an appropriate District-approved training program in the operation of portable analyzers and has received a certification issued by the District. Rules 1146 and 1146.1 also requires portable analyzer tests for boilers.

This half-day class provides the necessary training and certification necessary to conduct the portable analyzer tests required under Rule 1110.2, 1146 and 1146.1.

All attendees successfully completing the training class will receive a certificate of completion.  


  • Pre-registration is required to attend this training; no walk-in registrations.
  • This training is provided at no cost.
  • To register, call  (909) 396-2723 or email  and provide the following information for each attendee: name, phone number, and the date of the training class requested.  A staff member will call you back confirming your registration.

Class Information:

Next Available Classes:

  • April 17, 2009  (Class now full)
  • May 21, 2009  (Class now full)