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Online Shop Talk

The links below are for specific industries and are intended to provide answers to questions such as

"Why does AQMD regulate this operation?"
"What rules and regulations apply to the operation?"
"What do AQMD Inspectors look for? "
"What if an Inspector finds something wrong?" and
"What additional resources are available to help owners and operators comply?"

Suppliers of Low-VOC Cleaning Materials and Equipment

Other resources currently available through this site include List of Suppliers of Low-VOC Cleaning Materials and Equipment* and Painter's Guide to Clean Air.  For more information, please contact the Area Source Team. 

*This list includes Suppliers and/or Manufacturers of Water-Based Cleaning Materials and/or Equipment, Suppliers of Air-tight or Airless Solvent Degreasers, Suppliers and/or Manufacturers of Low VOC (less than 50 g/l) Cleaning Aerosol Spray Cans, and Directory of Aqueous Waste Haulers


Based on your feedback, similar information about other industry types and applications may be added in the future.  To request on-line shop talk information about a specific industry type, or to provide comments and ideas about how we can improve this service to you, please send e-mail to