The Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM)

This is a home page for developers and users of the Community Ice Sheet Model.

CISM is a next-generation ice sheet model that will be used for predicting ice sheet retreat and sea level rise in a warming climate. This model will be freely available to the glaciology and climate modeling communities and will serve as the ice dynamics component of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM).

CISM is currently under development. The starting point for CISM is the GLIMMER ice sheet model developed at the University of Bristol and elsewhere. GLIMMER is the ice sheet component of CCSM version 4, which will be used for the next IPCC climate assessment report.

Detailed planning for CISM took place during a workshop held at Los Alamos National Laboratory on 18-20 August 2008. Six focus groups or "clusters" were organized at the workshop to guide model development and testing. If you would like to participate in one of these groups, please contact the group leader. Links to the focus groups and workshop are below.

Focus groups


Source code and data sets

Trac Information