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Channel Islands National Parkchannel islands naturalist corps training at inspiration point, anacapa island
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Channel Islands National Park

Channel Islands National Park is one of America’s newest and most complex national parks. As one of America’s “crown jewels,” this park will continue to serve as a model for park management. It is important that the National Park Service protects park resources, both terrestrial and marine, and provides for the enjoyment of these resources in such a manner that will leave them unimpaired for future generations.

The park operates under Federal, Department of the Interior, and National Park Service policies and guidelines, in accordance with a General Management Plan (GMP) which was first published in 1980. The park GMP is currently undergoing revision to reflect new lands and responsibilities added since the park was established. For more information please visit General Management Plan.

Park management includes a Superintendent and a number of operating and administrative divisions. Park staffing is augmented by a high level of volunteerism, generally exceeding 70,000 hours of volunteer service per year. The park’s budget includes annual federal appropriations, capital and special purpose project funding, fee funds, and donated funds.

Please click on the links above for more information about the management of the park.

Blue whale                                          Photo: Brad Sillasen  

Did You Know?
Park and sanctuary waters are home to the largest aggregation of blue whales in the world. Approximately 10% of the global blue whale population gathers in the channel during the summer.

Last Updated: September 14, 2006 at 10:15 EST