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Programs and Services

The Division of Disability and Aging Services contracts or provides services for around 15,000 older Vermonters, individuals with developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries and physical disabilities.

The DDAS Reference Guide describes DDAS programs and services and the accompanying DDAS Staff and Provider Directory has contact information.


List of Service Providers


List of Programs and Services

  • Adult Day
    Adult Day Services provide an array of services to help older adults and adults with disabilities to remain as independent as possible in their own homes.
  • Attendant Services Program
    The Attendant Services Program supports independent living for adults with disabilities who need physical assistance with daily activities.
  • Autism Supports
    The Autism Supports role is to develop and enhance the system of support in the home and community for people with autism spectrum disorders; work with community agencies, support groups and government departments to address system issues, enhance service delivery and develop or provide training; help people brainstorm ideas, find information and locate resources.
  • Children's Personal Care Services
    Children's Personal Care Services is a Medicaid service designed to help families with the extra care needs of children with disabilities and serious health problems.
  • Choices for Care (1115 Long-Term Care Medicaid Waiver)
    Choices for Care is a Medicaid-funded, long-term care program to pay for care and support for older Vermonters and people with physical disabilities. The program assists people with everyday activities at home, in an enhanced residential care setting, or in a nursing facility.
  • Dementia Respite Program
    The Dementia Respite Program offers a range of educational, community, and direct services to individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD) and to their caregivers.
  • Developmental Disability Services
    Developmental disability services assist children, adolescent, and adults who have a developmental disability to live, attend school, work, and recreate in their communities. Supports are provided to over 3,000 people by private non-profit developmental disability services providers throughout the state.
  • Flexible Family Funding
    Provides funds for use by the family for services and supports that benefit the individual and the family to avoid the more costly and intensive out of home service cost.
  • Food and Nutrition Programs
    Access to nourishing food is a critical link to maintaining physical health, independence and quality of life.
  • Guardianship
    A guardian is a person with the legal responsibility to protect the well-being and rights of another. A guardian also has authority to make certain legal decisions for the person.
  • High Technology Home Care
    Provides skilled nursing care for technology-dependent Medicaid beneficiaries and coordinates treatments, medical supplies, and sophisticated medical equipment for adults and children.
  • Housing and Residential Supports
    Several programs coordinate services with housing to help people live independently and with dignity in settings they prefer. This list is not inclusive of all housing and home support options available to people with disabilities and older adults.
  • Offender Services
    The focus of Offender Services is to keep the community and past victims safe while providing treatment and supervision to offenders with developmental disabilities who are not served by the Correctional system.
  • Older Vermonters and Family Caregiver Services (Older Americans Act)
    The Older Americans Act (OAA) provides funding for a range of programs that offer services and opportunities for older Vermonters to remain as independent as possible and to be active and contributing members of their community. The OAA also provides a range of services to family caregivers to support them to continue in this essential role. The Older Americans Act focuses on improving the lives of older adults and family caregivers in areas of income, housing, nutrition, health, employment, retirement, and social and community services.
  • Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP)
    The Senior Community Services Employment Program is a job-training organization that offers training within partnered community service agencies. The combination of skills training and community service leads to employment for low-income individuals age 55 and older.
  • Supported Employment Program
    The Vermont Supported Employment Program provides a full range of services which enable people with disabilities to access and succeed in competitive employment. The program goal is to provide full access to employment through the provision of individual support services for people who have historically been excluded from employment.
  • Transportation Services
    Access to transportation services that are flexible and responsive to the varied needs of older adults and people with disabilities is critical to the success of many programs available in Vermont. DDAS works closely with numerous state and local agencies to ensure that individuals have access to transportation services to maintain independence and promote access to needed services and resources.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
    The Traumatic Brain Injury Program diverts and/or returns Vermonters, with a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury, from hospitals and facilities to a community-based setting.
  • Vermont Direct Care Worker Registry
    A web-based resource operated by Rewarding Work Resources to connect agency and consumer employers with people wanting to do direct care work for elders and the disabled. Workers post information about their background and work preferences and employers can search for workers by location. The directory is free to all Vermonters although employers will need to get an access code from a local agency. The agencies with access codes can be found on the site.