CAREWARE archives -- March 2003

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CAREWARE archives – March 2003

Table of contents:

  1. "Unspecified default"

  2. affected and HIV+

  3. CADR Data Entry

  4. CAREWARE Digest - 17 Mar 2003 to 18 Mar 2003 (#2003-45)

  5. CAREWARE Digest - 24 Mar 2003 to 25 Mar 2003 (#2003-48)

  6. CAREWARE Digest - 27 Mar 2003 to 28 Mar 2003 (#2003-51)

  7. CAREWARE Digest - 6 Mar 2003 to 7 Mar 2003 (#2003-38)

  8. CAREWare Update

  9. Case Notes

  10. CERF

  11. Changing Number in Household

  12. conference

  13. Custom Where Clause

  14. Exporting sub services/# in household

  15. Foster Parents- info

  16. Important CADR Issues

  17. looking for programs funded by both Title III and IV

  18. Relations Section of CW

  19. Testing Only Question

  20. Title III and IV criteria in the CADR

  21. Two questions

  22. Updating Clinical Review

  23. Upgrade Issues
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