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U.S. History Topics » Movements » Immigration & Migration
See All 28 Resources
Photo of Children from Image Detective

Picturing Modern America helps students learn about modern America (1880-1920) by analyzing primary sources...

Destitute Pea Pickers in California. Mother of seven children.

Great Depression: Dust Bowl Migration includes photos, a teachers guide, and other resources for learning about the largest...

'Sing Fat Co., Inc.' A Postcard from San Francisco Chinatown (post-1910).

The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 presents 8,000 photos, paintings, letters, diary excerpts, pamphlets, and speeches that...

A new map of the state of California, the territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah & New Mexico

Journeys West helps students examine the motivations of people who traveled west during the 1800s, as...

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 
  See All 28 Immigration & Migration Resources  

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