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Gary R. Clark, P.E. IDNR/OWR Director Office of the Director

Director Gary R. Clark, P.E., D.WRE

Mr. Clark started his career as a civil engineer with the State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources in 1974. On July 1, 2003, Mr. Clark was appointed as the Director of the Office of Water Resources. During his career with the Office of Water Resources, Mr. Clark has served as the Chief of the Planning and Research Section and as manager of the Division of Program Development. During his career, his areas of professional responsibilities included the administration and conduct of research and planning in the areas of instream flow protection, statewide water supply management, groundwater modeling, drought management, groundwater and surface water law and state water planning. Mr. Clark is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, with a B.S. Civil Engineering in 1972, and a M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1974. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois and Wisconsin. In June of 2005 Mr. Clark was credentialed as a Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer by the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers.

Mr. Clark has authored publications and papers on groundwater law, water supply management, groundwater modeling and instream flow protection. He has participated actively in the drafting of Illinois statutes for groundwater quality and quantity management. Mr. Clark serves as the State of Illinois representative to the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association and the Ohio River Basin Commission. He also serves as the agencies representative to the Governors State Water Plan Task Force and has served as president of the Illinois Groundwater Association and the Illinois Section of the American Water Resources Association.

See also....

Gary R. Clark, P.E. IDNR/OWR Director 2003-
Director Gary R. Clark, P.E.

Don R. Vonnahme, P.E. IDNR/OWR Director 1982-2003
Director Don R. Vonnahme, P.E.

Frank Kudrna, P.E. IDNR/OWR Director 1978-1982
Frank Kudrna

Leo M Eisel, P.E. IDNR/OWR Director 1974-1977
Director Leo M. Eisel

John C. Guillou. IDNR/OWR Director (1968-1973)
Director John C. Guillou

Thomas B. Casey. IDNR/OWR Chief Engineer (1943-1963)
Chief Engineer Thomas B. Casey

Carter Jenkins. IDNR/OWR Chief Engineer (1968-1973)
Chief Engineer Carter Jenkins

Walter M. Smith. IDNR/OWR Chief Engineer (1934-1937)
Chief Engineer Walter M. Smith

T. B. Cornish. IDNR/OWR Chief Engineer (1927-1933)
Chief Engineer T. B. Cornish

Leslie C. Small. IDNR/OWR Director (195-1931)
Director Leslie C. Small

William L. Sackett Superintendent of Waterways (1917-25) IDNR/OWR Director (1968-1973)
Superintendent William L. Sackett



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