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When deciding where to go to college, you shouldn’t have to worry about cost. Yes, college is anything but cheap. But with the right planning and financial resources, you can successfully fund your college education.

Families have the primary responsibility of paying for higher education. Sometimes a family's resources are not enough to pay all college expenses. But different types of financial aid are available to help a family meet the costs of higher education, which include direct education costs (such as tuition, fees, and books) and indirect costs (things like personal living expenses, food, housing, and transportation).

You may be surprised to discover that financial aid can help pay for your college living expenses. Also, financial aid is often available to pay for technical, trade, or vocational school programs. Many different types of schools, not just colleges and universities, have financial assistance available to students.

"The Financial Aid Process", a PowerPoint presentation with narration, is available for college-bound students looking to learn more about the financial aid process. View and/or listen to the presentation to find out about applying for financial aid through the FAFSA, expected family contribution, deadline dates, award packages, scholarship, grant and loan programs, and more.


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