Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region

Internship Opportunities

Wood duck Banding on Pocosin Lakes

Internships are available year-round. Typically, internships last 12-16 weeks.

Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge is located in Hyde, Washington, and Tyrrell Counties in eastern North Carolina. The refuge is considered a hidden treasure and provides habitat for migratory birds, black bears, red wolves and other wildlife.

Stipend: Intern stipend is $90.00 per week and housing.

Training and experience will be provided for the following projects: Wood duck and tundra swan banding, monitoring wood duck production, assist with interpretive programs for children and general public, work deer hunt check stations, gain supervisory experience with youth conservation corp students, assist with data entry, conduct vegetative transects using GPS, assist with waterfowl ground counts, and lend a hand whenever needed!

Interested applicants should be majoring in a natural resources field such as wildlife management, fisheries, biology, zoology, or environmental sciences. The applicant should have a positive attitude and be willing to do strenuous field work in extreme weather conditions. A valid drivers license is required to operate federal vehicles. Personal transportation for grocery shopping and personal needs is required.

Free refuge housing with utilities is provided.

To Apply:
Send a resume with three references with telephone numbers to:

Refuge Biologist
Pocosin Lakes NWR
PO Box 329
205 S. Ludington
Columbia, NC 27925

or E:mail: Wendy_Stanton@fws.gov

APPLICATIONS are accepted continuously with 1-2 selections usually made in May, September and January of each year.

For more information call the refuge office at 252-796-3004 extension 224.


Last Updated: 4/13/09