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OAR Policy and Guidance Metarecord

Document Title/Subject:
Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules: Fact Sheet
Related Documents:
Interstate Ozone Transport: Respoonse to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules: Proposed Amendments
Signed by: N/A

Signature Date: N/A

Jan King
USEPA, OAQPS (C539-01)
RTP, NC 27711



Regulatory Authority:
Title 1
Air Quality Strategies and Standards Division (OAQPS) / Lydia Wegman
Submitted By:
OGC Contact:
Howard Hoffman
OGC Phone#:
Internet Contact:
Jeff Clark
Document Type:
Fact Sheets
EPA Document Number:

Federal Register:
Subject Category:
Accident preparedness
Nitrogen oxides
Air pollutants
Air quality
Clean Air Act
In today's action, EPA is proposing to amend two related final rules issued under sections 110 and 126 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) related to interstate transport of nitrogen oxides (NOx), one of the main precursors to ground-level ozone. These proposals are responding to decisions of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cirulit (DC Circuit)on the NOx SIP Call, the NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and the Section 126 Rule.

In this action, EPA is proposing to:
(1) retain the definition of EGUs as it relates to cogeneration units in the Section 126 Rule, and retain the definition of EGUs as it relates to cogeneration units in the NOx SIP Call with only minor revisions to make the definition consistent with the Section 126 Rule.
(2) revise the control levels for stationary internal combustion engines that were assumed in calculating NOx SIP Call budgets for each State,
(3) exclude portions of Georgia, Missouri, Alabama and Michigan from the NOx SIP Call (the court ruling focused on Georgia and Missouri, but the same issue is relevant to Alabama and Michigan),
(4) revise statewide emissions budgets in the NOx SIP Call to reflect the disposition of the first three issues above,
(5) set a range of dates for 19 States and the District of columbia to submit State implementation plans to achieve the emissions redutions required by this second phase of the NOx SIP Call, and for Georgia and Missouri to submit SIPs meeting the full NOx SIP Call; 6 months through 1 year from final promulgation of this rulemaking but no later than April 1, 2003,
(6) set a compliance date of May 31, 2004, for all sources except those in Georgia and Missouri; and sources in those states would hae a May 1, 2005 compliance date,
(7) exclude Wisconsin from NOx SIP Call requirements.

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