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Corenthis Kelley, Director
Barbara D. Williams, Senior Level Assistant for Policy and Programs

Develops, implements, and manages four major programs: (1) Affirmative Action, including the Federal Women's Program and implementing a managing diversity process; (2) Civil Rights; (3) Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU); and (4) Small Business.

The programs' mission is:

  1. To facilitate equal employment opportunity for all NRC employees and applicants for employment through an ongoing affirmative employment process;

  2. To provide for prompt, fair, and impartial processing of discrimination complaints filed under applicable civil rights statutes;

  3. To administer grants to HBCU faculty and graduate and undergraduate students, which affords these individuals opportunities to participate in NRC's scientific, engineering, and research activities; and

  4. To ensure that small businesses, including those owned by the disadvantaged, women, veterans, service-disabled veterans, and concerns located in Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone), are afforded maximum practicable opportunities to participate in NRC prime and subcontract activities.

These activities include developing the Agency's Equal Employment Opportunity Program, and conducting the semi-annual briefing to the Commission on the status and progress of the Agency's Affirmative Employment Plan. Implements a managing diversity process to maintain a work environment that supports valuing and utilizing all employees regardless of differences.

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Staff Offices

Civil Rights Program

Civil Rights Program Manager: Lori Suto-Goldsby

Affirmative Employment and Diversity Management Program

Affirmative Employment and Diversity Management Program Manager: Sandra Talley

Small Business Program

Small Business Program Manager: Diana Strong

Outreach and Compliance Coordination Program

Outreach and Compliance Coordination Program Manager: Tuwanda Smith

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