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Office of Public Affairs Telephone: 301/415-8200
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No. 02-111 September 25, 2002

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has announced the opportunity to request a hearing on an application for a 20-year renewal of the operating license of the R.E. Ginna nuclear power plant.

The plant is located in Wayne County, New York. The current operating license for the facility expires on September 18, 2009.

Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. (RG&E) submitted the application on July 30. A notice of receipt was published by NRC in the Federal Register on August 26. The staff has determined that RG&E has submitted sufficient information for the NRC to formally "docket," or file, the application and conduct a detailed review.

Operating licenses are issued by the NRC for commercial power reactors to operate for up to 40 years. This term was selected on the basis of economic and antitrust considerations, not technical limitations. The NRC has a process in place for renewing an operating license for up to an additional 20 years of plant life if certain requirements are met for plant operations.

The deadline for hearing requests is 30 days from the date of publication of the Federal Register notice, expected shortly. By that time, requests must be filed by anyone whose interest might be affected by the license renewal and who wishes to participate as a party to the proceeding. Requests for a hearing must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, Attention: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff. They may also be delivered to the NRC Public Document Room at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. A copy of the request should also be sent to the Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, by FAX to (301) 415-3725, or by e-mail to: and to Dr. Robert C. Mecredy, Vice President, Nuclear Operations Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, 89 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14649.

Additional information about the opportunity for hearing may be found in the Federal Register notice. Copies of the license renewal application will be available at the NRC web site at and are also available through the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). Help in using ADAMS is available by contacting the NRC Public Document Room staff at 301-415-4737 or 1-800-397-4209, or by sending a message to via e-mail. The application is available for inspection at the NRC's Public Document Room in Rockville, Md.

In addition, a copy of the license renewal application is available at the Rochester Public Library, in Rochester, N.Y., and the Ontario Public Library, in Ontario, N.Y.

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