OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
   Current Section
Outcomes of Seven EL/Civics Demonstration grant projects funded by OVAE in FY2000

  • Bronx Community College. Several Civics components on U.S. Government, Citizenship, Finance, Health, etc., were integrated into the English Literacy curriculum. Description of activities can be found in the How-to-Manual.

  • California Literacy, Inc., created an action oriented 15-unit curriculum based upon true stories of immigrants. This project included their field-test partners, representing a wide range of adult education providers.

  • Temple University. First Amendment Plus (FAP) engages immigrant learners and their ESL/cititizenship instructors discussing how the FAP influenceS their lives and the life of their communities.

  • Southern Westchester BOCES published a comprehensive resource guide for teachers which offers themes and lesson plans to help teachers educate new Americans in EL/Civics.

  • Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly. Bright Ideas, a 15-unit curriculum, includes strategies and step-by-step instructions for teachers of very beginning ESL learners, as well as learning materials for students.

  • PBS ESL/CivicsLink is a flexible online professional development system for ESL adult teachers. Adult educators created this field-tested product, which integrates English literacy and civics instruction.

  • The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning. (On left panel, click on Adult Learning Resource Center, then click on ESL & EL/CE) This curriculum is a fully reproducible, multilevel curriculum that is easily integrated into any existing ESL curriculum and contains six multilevel units and teaching techniques.

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Last Modified: 08/14/2008