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Trade Remedies and Trade Assistance for U.S. Firms and Workers

Globalization. has greatly increased competition at home for U.S. companies. Now, more than ever, it is important to understand your rights and be aware of existing U.S. policies and programs that ensure fair competition.

Introduction to U.S. Trade Remedies

Unfair foreign pricing and government subsidies distort the free flow of goods and adversely affect American business in the global marketplace. Get answers to the following questions:

What constitutes illegal foreign dumping?

What are considered unfair foreign subsidies?

Where do I go for help?

How can I stop unfair competition?

Tracking, Researching, or Participating in Anti-Dumping Cases

Learn about foreign dumping cases, check for case updates, policy reference information, import monitoring, and policy bulletins.

Federal Assistance for U.S. Manufacturers Affected by Trade

The Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA) helps manufacturing workers adversely affected by increased international trade. The program can help you pay for technical assistance to lessen the impact of trade on your company.

Federal Assistance for U.S. Farmers Affected by Trade

If you are a producer of a commodity which has recently suffered from low prices due to increasing imports, you may be eligible for technical assistance and a financial payment under this program.