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Journal of Dental Biomechanics

Clinical Trials is an international, peer reviewed journal, whose primary aim is the dissemination and development of knowledge about the design, conduct, analysis, synthesis, history, ethics, regulation and clinical or policy impact of all types of clinical trials and related medical research methodologies.

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Biblical Theology Bulletin
New in February 2009!

Biblical Theology Bulletin is a distinctive, peer-reviewed, quarterly journal containing articles and reviews written by experts in biblical and theological studies.

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Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology

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Emotion Review

Emotion Review New in January 2009

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Race and Class The Institute of Race Relations has published a new report on the devastating impact on family life of Britain’s anti-terrorist control order and detention policy. Read the report, entitled ‘Besieged in Britain’, written by journalist and author Victoria Brittain.

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