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Welcome to the SBA Glossary Help Section.

Search for:
This box represents the term for which you want to search for. Enter any or all of your search criteria here.
This box represents how the search is to be done. The description for each type of search is listed below.

  • All Definitions - Use this option to search ALL terms in the SBA Glossary

  • Complete Phrase - This option searches for the EXACT word or phrase typed into the search box above. For example: if you enter the word 'Accounting', you will only receive the definition of words spelled exactly 'Accounting' - again this search is case UNsensative.

  • Any Word in Phrase - This option searches to find your search criteria within the term names in the SBA Glossary. For example: if you enter the word 'account', the results you will get are terms that have the word 'account' in it. The result set you get will include the following: Accounting, Accounts Payable, Escrow Accounts, and others that have 'account' within the word somewhere.

  • Starts With - Use this search option to find terms that begin with some particular letters. For example: if you enter the letters 'fin', the results you will get are terms that start with the letters 'fin'. The result set you get will include the following: Financial Reports, and Financing.

  • Ends With - Use this search option to find terms that end with some particular letters. For example: if you enter the letters 'ing', the results you will get are terms that end with the letters 'ing'. The result set you get will include the following: Accounting, Closing, Contracting, Financing, and others that end with the letters 'ing'.

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* Last modified: 12/16/2008 10:27:50 AM