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ECF Live Classes


To register to e-file with the EDVA, you must be an attorney who is a member of our bar or of the U.S. Attorney's Office, and you must have either taken a live class or passed the the EDVA online policies and procedures quiz.

Only attorneys can register to e-file, but anyone may take the live classes. In fact, support staff are encouraged to attend a class.

Live classes are free and are held at the Alexandria, Richmond, and Norfolk courthouses.

Both a beginning and advanced class are offered. Use the Comfort Survey and the class descriptions (see below) to decide for which class to register.

To register for a live class, take the following steps:

  1. Take the Comfort Survey . Shortly after submitting the survey, you will receive an e-mail with your results.

  2. Use the Comfort Survey results and the brief class descriptions below to decide for which level of class to register. You should sign up for one level of class or the other, not both.

    The beginning class offers an extra hour to provide some computer skills useful for e-filing. The beginning class
    • runs approximately three and a half hours, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.;
    • is worth 3.5 hours of CLE credit; and
    • covers converting documents to PDF, filing and locating documents electronically, EDVA ECF policies and procedures, Internet e-filing resources, and training database practice.

    The advanced class
    • runs approximately two and a half hours, from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.;
    • is worth 2.5 hours of CLE credit; and
    • covers EDVA ECF policies and procedures, Internet e-filing resources, and training database practice.

    Review the 2008 and 2009 dates below to see when you can attend.

  3. Register for your preferred class.   Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If fewer than six people have registered for a class two weeks (10 business days) before the scheduled date, we may cancel the class and reschedule the students for another class of their choosing.

    • As each class is filled, completed, or canceled, it will be taken off the list below.
    • Dates for the end of 2009 will be added later.
    • Classes scheduled for November 2008 and following have CLE credit approval pending.

    beginning, 9 :30 - 1:00, 4/21/2009, 5/19/2009, 6/16/2009, 7/28/2009, 8/18/2009, 9/29/2009, 10/27/2009
    advanced, 9:30 - 12:00, 4/22/2009, 5/20/2009, 6/17/2009, 7/29/2009, 8/19/2009, 9/30/2009, 10/28/2009

    Richmond (Please note that classes through December 2008 will be at 1000 Main Street; subsequent classes will be at 701 East Broad Street):
    beginning, 9:00 - 12:30, 4/14/2009, 5/12/2009, 6/9/2009, 7/21/2009, 8/11/2009, 9/22/2009, 10/20/2009
    advanced, 9:30 - 12:00, , 4/15/2009, 5/13/2009, 6/10/2009, 7/22/2009, 8/12/2009, 9/23/2009, 10/21/2009

    beginning, 9:00 - 12:30, 4/7/2009, 5/5/2009, 6/2/2009, 7/14/2009, 8/4/2009, 9/15/2009, 10/6/2009
    advanced, 9:30 - 12:00, 3/4/2009, 5/6/2009, 7/15/2009, 9/16/2009

  4. Check your e-mail's spam filter and ensure that e-mails will be allowed through from this address: If your e-mail filtering software blocks transmissions from this address, you may not receive your class registration confirmation e-mail, and you will not receive your login and password and your notices of electronic filing.

  5. Register for a class by clicking here. You will receive an almost immediate e-mail confirming your registration. If you have any questions before or after you register, you can call the 703-299-2130. Please note: you will not be able to register online for a class on the day that it is being offered; call the appropriate division's clerk's office and speak to a trainer about whether the class in which you are interested still has room.

  6. Use the EDVA Internet site to get information about directions, parking, and other forms of transportation. Please note that cell phones are not permitted in any courthouse, and no storage for cell phones is available. Food and drink are also prohibited, both in entering the courthouses and in the training rooms. Please also review the list of other prohibited items. You will need a photo ID to enter the courthouse.

  7. Give us the courtesy of at least 48 hours' notice if you need to cancel your registration. Please note that you will need to cancel registration for one class before enrolling in another class.  To cancel your registration, call the divisional helpdesk at the numbers below:

              Alexandria Help Desk:                         



               Norfolk/Newport News Help Desk:



               Richmond Help Desk:

